Out of context: Reply #147

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  • garbage0

    I'm not bothered. Was pulling for Boston out of spite because I hate GSW bandwagon fans.

    Here in Seattle there were tons of legit Curry jerseys tossed into Goodwills because they had a slump. They probably don't even know who Baron Davis is.

    But I love Klay. Hopefully someday Klay will teach Steph how to have a personality. Also a good ring for Wiggs, happy for him.

    • Yup - same as the bandwagon, front-runner Laker fans...all frauds! Especially when they aren't from or never visited either cities, fucking ass clowns!utopian
    • ^madddpinkfloyd
    • @uto We have a bunch of bay area tech folk up here, but it was comical how quickly they grabbed gear and then dropped it.garbage
    • Steph Curry doesn't have a personality? You're talking garbage garbage. You're free to do it but it's still garbage.oey_oey
    • If you say so. Wardell is 100% a basketball robot. He's pre-programmed with corny Christian answers. It's fine, he's reaching GOAT status.garbage
    • But let me tell you this, I agree if you tell me that Klay shows to be cooler as a person.oey_oey
    • Aside from all the general "Klay comes across as a human being you'd wanna hang out with"?garbage
    • Two injury comparisons:garbage
    • Klay got knocked out for two years. Smoked a ton of weed, made a ton of amazing IG posts, and learned to sail.garbage
    • Curry sprained his ankle in a Sunday morning church jog with Mark Jackson, and allowed himself to have his shoes removed and..garbage
    • ..heels annointed with oil in front of the congregation. He also is working on getting into the Christian family cartoon industry.garbage
    • So yeah, I think I'd rather hang out with Klay. He's not an over-the-top God botherer.garbage
    • Klay provoked Lebron publicly when 3-1 up. Then when he lost the finals he didn't even shake anyone's hand and stormed off the locker room, just sayingloool

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