Elon Musk

Out of context: Reply #714

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  • nb3

    Audi and GM have removed ads and won’t buy new ads from the Tesla CEO’s new website.

    Tesla CEO’s response: “waaaah look how activists are ruining free speech!”

    • Btw Elon’s first change: when you load the feed in the app, you always see an ad FIRST before the feed.nb
    • ElOn iS a PrOdUcT ViSiOnArYnb
    • That's their choice though. Still not sure how a somewhat-autistic guy is going to make free speech easier. But I like the guy's ambitionIanbolton
    • Is this not capitalism at work? Is this not the free market deciding winners and losers? Is this not free speech at work?jonny_quest_lives
    • Advertisers deciding to wait for the dust settle post eLOn acquisition seems like a prudent marketing strategy to me.jonny_quest_lives
    • Just sucks that the twitter employee count has to foot the bill for EloN's new interest debt on his acquisition financing.jonny_quest_lives
    • I still think we live in the shittiest timeline... @PhanLo mentioned it was a modern squid game/climbing for dollars.jonny_quest_lives
    • here is some more context around elOn's advertising "activists" https://twitter.com/…jonny_quest_lives
    • https://www.platform…jonny_quest_lives
    • crazy how free speech is a partisan issue.zardoz
    • Conservative / Republican free speech is “I’m free to say what I want, not you”. They believe the loudest voice wins. Respect and logic be damned.imbecile
    • Their hypocrisy is palpable, like a decaying corpse, and yet people still lap it up.formed
    • Hello! Is it tribalism you're looking for?grafician
    • Hey @nb you see an ad first on instagram now too, coincidence?!grafician
    • yes, instagram is also dying and the extra ad sales are an attempt to milk the last bit of money out of the user basenb
    • I have a friend who is very high up at IG and the stories he tells me are intense. It’s dying, they know it, are trying to be TikTok but it’s too late.nb
    • It will never completely die. (Just think, MySpace is still around!) But the writing is on the wall for IG. You see it get worse. Worse content, more ads, etc.nb
    • myspace is still around? lolpango
    • Yes MySpace is still a website with usersnb
    • It’s not related to the old website except for the name tho.monospaced

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