
Out of context: Reply #6186

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  • Hench-9

    • I owe you an apology for taking the piss out of you on the 5G thing, set. You were were right, it's horrifically bad for you.Continuity
    • I mean, look, 5G made your brain as smooth as a baby's arse.Continuity
    • I guess you think it's a coincidence that they released 5G first in Wuhan early 2020 right around the time 'covid' emerged there.Hench
    • 1909 radio released. Spanish flu. Doctors on record physically not being able to infect people with it. That's because it was electromagnetic poisoningHench
    • 1979: 1G released - Influenza outbreak
      1991: 2G released - Cholera outbreak
      2003: 3G released - SARS outbreak
      2009: 4G released - H1N1 outbreak
    • Every time they release a new electromagnetic technology, humans have an immune response and they blame it on viruses and sell you vaccinesHench
    • Your ridicule just makes you look bad. Your bewildering ignorance is shameful. Best of luck.Hench
    • oh no! did you screen shot from CNN?! you know you can't trust them!pango
    • I'm dying to know which new electromagnetic technology was released to cause the bubonic plague.Continuity
    • oh shiet! i just saw that! he's bringing up 5G!! LOLpango
    • So your logic is that surely electromagnetic radiation can't cause sickness because some sickness certainly isn't caused by it.Hench
    • That's your logic? You people are genuinely as thick as shit...Hench
    • Here I was years before all of this, warning of the dangers of 5G, and then in the exact same place and at the exact same time that they released it...Hench
    • .. we have a mysterious new illness emerge. And not only have you not made the connection yet, you're still ridiculing it. Truly unfathomable.Hench
    • When you consider that it's naturally occuring, that's precisely what I'm saying. By your logic, our immune systems would shut down catastrophically every timeContinuity
    • .. there's a thunderstorm.Continuity
    • That is the most idiotic thing I've heard yet.Hench
    • It's like trying to discuss shakespeare with a dog. My mistake to even try.Hench
    • LOL
      You do you, smooth brain.
      But, I do suggest finding yourself a therapist specialised in treating personality disorders.
    • One day you'll feel sick to your stomach at the truth you ridiculed and the lies you defended. Or maybe you'll die in your ignorance. Take careHench
    • One last time...Hench
    • Here I was years before all of this, warning of the dangers of 5G, and then in the exact same place and at the exact same time that they released it...Hench
    • Of course I will, dear.Continuity
    • ... we have a mysterious new illness emerge. And not only have you not made the connection yet, you're still ridiculing it. Truly unfathomable.Hench
    • I know you're not interested in the truth or evidence, but this is a great read if there is a shred of critical analysis or independent thought left in there...Hench
    • set, you realize that other viruses exist and that when people are infected with these viruses, they get sick right? Did you hear about SARS-1?yuekit
    • It only infected a small number of people in China, Singapore and a few other countries. So what technology was that caused by?yuekit
    • Why did hundreds of thousands of people in rural India and Africa where they don't have any 5G die of COVID?yuekit
    • Why did SARS-2 spread out of China, to other Asian countries, then to Europe and finally USA if it was caused by 5G?yuekit
    • Lots of questions you could ask about this theory of yours, if there's no good answer you might want to consider the possibility it's not real.yuekit
    • You're using the same logic as the other fool. Did I once say that ALL viruses are created by EM radiation? No... So I really don't understand your point.Hench
    • The fact is that the microwaves of 60ghz 5G radiation (it's not always that high) make the oxygen molecules spin so no matter how much...Hench
    • ... you gasp for air, the oxygen cannot connect with the hemoglobin in your blood. That's what we saw with the people that needed respirators and diedHench
    • The rest was a coordinated effort to rebrand the flu, of which a hundred thousand die of each year in the USHench
    • Plus they were adding any death, be it a car accident or a knife to the heart, as a covid death of the patient tested positive for covidHench
    • Africa was barely affected by covid. That's one of the smoking guns. In fact there were three presidents that didn't play ball with the hoax and all three...Hench
    • ... Were executed. Tanzania was one of them I forget the other two but can find it if you're interested.Hench
    • This whole fake pandemic was a mix of people having reactions to 5G and then falsifying the numbersHench
    • Hospitals were getting paid commission to add covid as the cause of death, even when it wasn't. You can look this up for yourself.Hench
    • sooo... your plan to warn the world the danger of 5G was to... post on QBN? LOL
      what did you expect QBN to do even if we were convinced?! LOL
    • I had 5G before covid breakout. Derp.monospaced
    • There's no 5G in rural India and yet people died in massive numbers from COVID-19. How do you explain that?yuekit
    • There's no 5G at all in Iran except in the capital city but it was one of the worst hit countries.yuekit
    • I've told you multiple times now, they rebranded flu deaths as covid. They added heart attacks and strokes to the death toll. The numbers are falsifiedHench
    • Iran is a different story. Many of the top politicians there died of 'covid' right at the beginning. They're at war with the West so obviously that's fishy as fHench
    • Especially considering that not one single prominent politician in the west died of covid. Not one Hollywood actor. Not one sports person. EtcHench
    • GASP! The CONspiraCY!pango
    • https://media.tenor.…pango
    • "Especially considering that not one single prominent politician in the west died of covid. Not one Hollywood actor. Not one sports person"yuekit
    • https://www.nytimes.…yuekit
    • https://www.nytimes.…yuekit
    • https://www.the-sun.…yuekit
    • https://www.dictiona…yuekit
    • it doesn't count if he doesn't know or remembers itpango
    • Yuekit you can't be serious? You're sighting people that are older than the average live expectancy? Really? Wow.Hench
    • Life expectancy. Now show me people dying that are younger than the average life expectancy in the west and then MAYBE you MIGHT have a leg to stand onHench
    • matter what I post you'll come up with some loophole. You said *NOT A SINGLE politician or sports person...yuekit
    • Here you go...a Grammy award winning jazz musician, died of COVID age 59
    • Nick Cordero, a Canadian actor, died of COVID age 41 (I think someone here on QBN even knew him and posted about it)

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