
Out of context: Reply #6196

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  • Hench-6

    This is what Jacques Attali wrote in 1981, who was then an advisor to François Mitterrand, Former President of France.

    “The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good.

    Overpopulation is something that is too costly economically. Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates. Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that! We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn't matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself."

    -- The Future of Life - Jacques Attali, 1981, Interview with Michel Salomon, Les Visages de l’avenir collection, éditions Seghers

    • "This text is completely made up... It is in no way close to the initial excerpt. It is like saying that I wrote ‘Mein Kampf’", Attalikingsteven
    • I bet you found that on one of the thought police fake fact check sites that come up on the first page of Google, didn't you? LOLHench
    • Snopes, by chance? You'll literally believe the first thing you see that informs your b, won't you? You Sir, are one of the people they're trying to get rid of.Hench
    • Confirms your bias*Hench
    • Quoting Snopes is like saying 'Hitler said so, so it must be true" lol. You people are beyond help.Hench
    • It's in his book printed in 2006. You no longer possess your own mind when you take the first link on Google that confirms your bias. Google = thought policeHench
    • From 1b to 8b people in 100 years and you GENUINELY believe they'd not try and tackle that unsustainable growth. You really, genuinely believe that?Hench
    • Or are you just wishing because it's too painful to even acknowledge for a second that you've just destroyed your immune system with a lethal injection?Hench
    • Far easier to find the first link on Google that makes you feel better and get back to your comfortable denial. I'm sure.Hench
    • Hench can you explain why some guy saying something back in 1981 means anything?yuekit
    • You're a fucking bellend Hench. Overpopulation isn't an issue when countries like Japan are choosing to not even having children.Ianbolton
    • Population will level out, but hopefully you don't have kids pushing he nonsense you doIanbolton
    • He's just making the same mental leap as every conspiracy theorist -- some random guy who worked in the French government said something,yuekit
    • therefore it must be official policy of the New World Order. Even before you talk about overpopulation you should maybe consider if this really makes sense.yuekit
    • Conspiracy theories are almost always based on this kind of flawed reasoning. Everything has to be significant, nothing is ever just a coincidence.yuekit
    • think how many squillions of coincidences had to fall into place in order for us to exist and be here, now, discussing this shit with set.Fax_Benson
    • some people just need a narrative to explain away all the randomness.Fax_Benson
    • I translated and read the chapter of the book, and then read the quote from attali saying it's BS. Where's your research Hench. Just copy pasta? Yepkingsteven
    • starting with 50 years old would be better...neverscared
    • we are all going to mars...there will be not any overpopulation soon enough obviouslyneverscared
    • Perhaps yuekit and hench are the same person and their alternative egos fight it out in here.Chimp
    • I don't have anything against Hench/set at all, I thought some of the design stuff he posted here was really good. But cmon guys,yuekit
    • You're asking us to believe that vaccines are killing lots of people, and now on top of that we have to believe 5G beams are causing COVID, also the virusyuekit
    • doesn't exist apparently. Is it too much to ask for some evidence of any of this?yuekit
    • “ It is estimated that only 10% of serious reactions and between 2 and 4% of non-serious reactions are reported.”Chimp
    • It could be even lower now that there is so much pressure to shout anti vaxxer at anyone who mentions deaths caused by the vaccine.Chimp
    • So I don’t think we’ll ever know the truth. Especially when the PM has shares in moderna. Talk about a conflict of interest.Chimp
    • I know 2 young healthily people who died after taking the booster. Utopian has 2 friends that suffered a stroke shortly after.Chimp
    • I'm sorry about your friends or people you know but you realize this isn't a good way to prove something right?yuekit
    • It also doesn't make sense to say something like "it might be true but because they covered it up, we'll never have the evidence... therefore it's true."yuekit
    • This is circular reasoning that can literally be used to prove anything. Conspiracies tend to follow the same pattern again and again and this is one of them.yuekit
    • But could the vaccines be dangerous? I'm not ruling it out, I'm just saying I haven't seen any good evidence for it.yuekit
    • And it seems strange not to have that evidence when a majority of the entire world has been vaccinated.yuekit
    • Evidence isn't anecdotes and stories, it's data and experiments that prove something is true. If billions of people were being given a toxic vaccine, you'dyuekit
    • think this would be easy to prove.yuekit
    • only coz u have two friends actually does mean pretty much zuero ... there could be one guy with 20 friends if the critical proportional number isneverscared
    • distributed through the population to render the 20 numbers harmless in quantifing evaluations obvsiously.neverscared
    • I think with all the conflicts of interest over the vaccines, it’s sensible to keep an open mind.Chimp
    • myocarditis, blood clots are a side-effect of any infection or vaccination. folks are acting like it was a surprise that people died, by the time <65'skingsteven
    • got vaccinated the stories of deaths were all over the news. still, less risk than getting the OG virus and i've seen no evidence that there's any risk beyond akingsteven
    • ...few weeks after the vaccination (also known at the time). it shouldn't have been mandated. why anyone healthy <65 gets the booster is beyond me.kingsteven
    • if u think medicine is not designed asymptotically u have a open mind inside pure naivity ..neverscared
    • Beyond COVID, it looks like mRNA vaccines might be a major innovation in medicine so don't be surprised if you end up taking them someday :)yuekit
    • oh, no doubt. next deadly pandemic get it in me.kingsteven
    • please tell us how 5G is involved .pango

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