Artificial Intelligence

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  • neverscared1

    Artificial Aesthetics: A Critical Guide to AI, Media and Design…

    Assume you're a designer, an architect, a photographer, a videographer, a curator, an art historian, a musician, a writer, an artist, or any other creative professional or student. Perhaps you're a digital content creator who works across multiple platforms. Alternatively, you could be an art historian, curator, or museum professional.

    You may be wondering how AI will affect your professional area in general and your work and career. Our book offers intellectual tools to help us better see the future of creative fields. These tools come from philosophy of art, experimental psychology, media theory, digital culture studies and data science. The book is the first to combine these different perspectives together.

    We started the work on the book in summer 2019, exchanging numerous messages, commenting on each other ideas, and sharing drafts of sections. The final book is a result of this process. Although each chapter is written by one author, it reflects the discussions we had over 27 months.

    The book is released one chapter at a time on and

    • I have seen the bottom fall out of 2-3 of these industries in my lifetime. I don't fear AI I just need it legally cleared before I can touch it or consider itjonny_quest_lives
    • In a professional workflow.jonny_quest_lives
    • That being said I don't want to feed the beast or be a paying guinea pig either. Nothing I do is magical... I am largely paid to endure the 7thjonny_quest_lives
    • Ring of hell of yearly revisions slow marching to a release date that may or may not get pushed. Only to have the marketing teams change directionsjonny_quest_lives
    • at the slightest hint of bad press or PR catastrophe.jonny_quest_lives
    • It keeps the lights on and the kiddos fed. Grateful for that but I have dreams of one day becoming a Windmill technician. So it’s not too late to follow one's djonny_quest_lives
    • Dreams.jonny_quest_lives

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