Punches For:

Out of context: Reply #2860

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    Punches fo me.

    Late home, a ton of beers.

    Ok, you're going bed...

    No, otherwise, you want to eat something...

    A omelette? Something soft, fresh, you're going to sleep like a kiddo...

    But... No, you' remembered, this steak you' let at the fridge at morning...

    Ok, fried the steak, a plate of pepper, a glass of red wine, a bit of cheese...

    And here we are...

    How the f* are we going to sleep tonight? You genious?

    • Well. Good night you all, I'm off...OBBTKN
    • Myeeaaaah you described a Friday or Saturday night for many of us

      Eating the steak currently at 3AM, cheers and good night!
    • Oh, grafican.palimpsest
    • Did you boil the steak?BonSeff
    • Nice callback!palimpsest
    • Fried steak, extra beers, I see no punches for heregrafician
    • After a heavy night, you need yogurt/ayran and orange juice and coffeegrafician
    • lol, graf, you grill a steak and eat it alone on Friday or Saturday nights after drinking? Lolmonospaced

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