
Out of context: Reply #74537

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  • Nairn1

    As I left Sainsbury's earlier this evening, my daughter was fast asleep in one arm, and i had a heavy bag of shopping in the other. A few steps outside the store, I see a pack on the floor that I get the impression has just been dropped. I see a way in front of me two trundling ladies with multiple overstuffed bags of shopping, which look very much like might've accidentally spilt some... heavily overwearied as I am by dead-weight sleeping child and shopping, our hero bends down and picks up from the floor a fresh-looking multipack of cheesestrings. I look up, and see the two women continuing to trundle on, so march onwards. I eventually catch up with them and, as much exasperated as worrying them with my intrusion, I ask if they've dropped a packet of seemingly fresh-looking cheesestrings.

    Gentle people, they had not. They reacted as any normal person might, confronted with this non-sensical proposition. I was just a sweaty nutter waving a bag of over-processed milk product at their gentle conduct into the night.

    Given I had no free hands, and was near home, I sallied on, Cheesestrings in hand, to deal with later.

    Pre-amble over: I have a multi-pack of cheesestrings I found on the floor outside a local supermarket. Dear people of QBN, are they ok to eat? Not for the kid, of course. For me.

    • I'm thinking: When I'm walking through the post-apocalyptic brexit wasteland with my daughter in six years, I'll look back on this and think "Shoulda ate 'em".Nairn
    • If you're not gonna date a pro, might as well eat some floor cheeserobotinc
    • floor cheese, heheheecanoe

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