
Out of context: Reply #13

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  • yuekit4

    Being anti-woke is just the updated version of Rush Limbaugh or the Moral Majority from the 80s. It's conservatives' latest iteration of culture war politics, this time a secular version reflecting the country's declining religiosity.

    • being woke is an updated version of blaming white straight men for your problemshotroddy
    • woke is a state of mind. reminds me of this:
    • being anti-woke is literally campaigning against knowledgeimbecile
    • yeah, not sure how you defend this
    • Pedofiles and sex offenders will eventually get their acronym on the lgbtqia2s+ spectrumhotroddy
    • disney is too much for the conservative folks...C'est la vieneverscared
    • damn bro.. they are doing a black arielle movie...i´am flippin enraged ;) ...lol .. convervatives always the apex of anti-creativty and intelligence..neverscared
    • ...is on the low end.neverscared
    • man, Hotroddy is a sensitive snowflake whiny be'otch..

      and a 50 comment rebuttal in 3..2..
    • no need to rebut personal insults.hotroddy
    • @hotroddy church has been normalizing pedofiles and sex offenders for centuries, and the conservatives are ok with thatdmay
    • not the church but catholicism in particular. Specifically, Priests who are themselves gay who were forced into the priesthood for not identifying as heterosexuhotroddy
    • you dumb useless cunt rodsterfadein11
    • It's not about woke values. It's about the insufferable people who call themselves woke and who yell over your sentences because they are so woke.jagara
    • @hotroddy not talking about gays, talking about pedofiles and sex offenders. Do you know the difference?dmay
    • a significant percentage of Catholic priests live closeted lives, I'm assuming we're not talking about them?hotroddy
    • It's just not Catholics. Every Protestant denomination is equally corrupt. Want to see what the SBC thought was the least they could do to save face?garbage
    • https://sbcec.s3.ama…garbage
    • There's about 700 in there, and that's only Southern Baptists. You know, the ones that separated from the other Baptists for slave reasons.garbage
    • absolutely not just catholics.ephix

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