
Out of context: Reply #3143

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  • Ramanisky211

    • Ironically Jesus is the sun god and it was inspired by sun worshipping.NBQ00
    • No, Jesus is not considered a sun god. In Christianity, Jesus is believed to be the son of God and the savior of humanity, not associated with sun worshipimbecile
    • or any pagan solar deity.imbecile
    • Lol @ the sun god, are you fucking high
    • I meant Jesus was inspired by the sun god worshipNBQ00
    • (the metaphor of Jesus was inspired by sun worship when Christianity was formed)NBQ00
    • Jesus is well known as the sun of godnb
    • psalm 84:11 identifies god as a sun, but never jesusimbecile
    • Good lord, people. The whole religion of Christianity was inspired by pagan, sun worship. Go study.NBQ00
    • lol, so you watched Zeitgeist and you believe it??!monospaced

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