
Out of context: Reply #3611

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  • neverscared5…

    people are pissed of

    • "Forty years ago, Apple released the 1984 commercial as a bold statement against a dystopian future. Now you are that dystopian future. Congratulations." lolNairn
    • "The thinnest iPad ever" - Timmy Cook
      There ya' have it!
    • print ads are great though…neverscared
    • even more hardcore than the video...neverscared
    • reversedsted
    • The reaction is kind of funny..."you're crushing stuff! Noooo" Audiences seem to be getting dumber.yuekit
    • Yep yukit, I wonder if offered how many would take that pile of junk over the iPad.kingsteven
    • or they are gettin smarter....i´am sure u can find a better visual metapher than destroying things in this clip to illustrate your points ..neverscared
    • people seem to be pressed to complain by things getting pressed.... should have seen this coming ..:neverscared
    • not a big fan of this commercial either, but people are taking it a bit far with there sentimental nonsense.milfhunter
    • I mean clearly you'd want the vintage Space Invaders machine over the iPad...but it is a commercial.yuekit
    • maybe not.. i would prefer all the objects or a cluster of them compared the ipad.. although i think its just a morbid visual idea . in the first place..neverscared
    • maybe they just wanted to show how much pressed trash u can stuff into it... as in the ipad is made of garbage and u have a trash time with it...neverscared
    • I don't get the outrage, but I'd take a freebie and flash a new OS as soon as somebody breaks M-series architecture. Probably 2 years out.garbage
    • Well, the outrage from the Japanese respondants should be obvious, at least, given their philosophy of Kami inhabiting Things.Nairn
    • yuekit, you come across well and dumb yourself if you believe the buyer's opinion of physical creative tools is irrelevantimbecile
    • no american cares about the outrage because the whole shtick here is to pillage and profit. the capitalist fanboys are really showing themselvesimbecile
    • Kami inhabiting things in nature not man made objects.sted
    • lol, what the fuck is this conversation?garbage
    • designed to hurt your feelings...neverscared
    • @imbecile I think the intent of the commercial was more like you can fit all this stuff into your Apple iPed, not "we want to destroy your stuff bwahaha"yuekit

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