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  • Ramanisky28

    Vegas World Series of Poker Trip // 2021

    • 2021 Wow your latest pics are two years old you should shoot more did you know phones have cameras nownb
    • ^ tru but I haven’t really gone anywhere interesting recently .. :(Ramanisky2
    • Nice!YakuZoku
    • ^^ does that mean you didnt won the jackpot ?ekael
    • Nah I only played poker and basically broke even for the entire trip.Ramanisky2
    • That's an impressive stack. Best hand?garbage
    • My full house to a guy drawing to an A high flush ... had a set of 8’s on the flop he was drawing to the Ace Flush and went for it ... easy call.Ramanisky2
    • I was sweating a little tho lolRamanisky2
    • Um yeah, you're braver than me.garbage
    • And what did we win or loose?milfhunter
    • ^ playing poker basically paid for my entire trip. I was there for 2 weeks .. probably too long to be in Vegas but still had a blast.Ramanisky2
    • In your "read em and weep" moment did you say "Crushed blacks" (I forgot to make that joke last night)garbage
    • Some Blacks were crushed lol
      But not all.

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