Trailer Of The Day

Out of context: Reply #4329

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  • Akagiyama6

    • wild .. added to the listRamanisky2
    • This is either going to be amazing, or it's going to totally suck. I did see Shia in the credits, so there's going to be some ACTING.garbage
    • Hard to believe that a legendary director like Francis Ford Coppola has to finance his own movieRamanisky2
    • Didn't half the crew walk out at some point?i_monk
    • Francis Ford Coppola’s 40-year battle to film Megalopolis.
    • https://www.theguard…utopian
    • @Ram He's always done this. If you've not seen how personally all-in he went on Apocalypse Now!, you should look it up. He's a fucking glorious maniac.garbage
    • Obvious name drop, so I'll say though I never met him, I did get to stay in his Belizian villa where he wrote much of his work.garbage
    • Strange drinks, dirt roads, cocaine, illegal border crossings into Guatemala, bribing the guards, cocaine, club fights. It was the wildest shit.garbage
    • Everyone from bartender to chef was hand-picked by Coppola or Sophia, and they have an eye for insanity. By far the most fun I've had traveling.garbage
    • ^ that’s wild ... sounds like a blast. I want to go there/where the fun is .... Hahaha. Also, you said cocaine twice.Ramanisky2
    • There was a lot of cocaine that night. I think the villa is called Turtle Inn. We took a forest road through the Deep River Reserve. It was wild.garbage
    • The funniest part is I got into a fight with our bartender / guide because he was macking on my girlfriend. Most awkward drive home ever.garbage
    • We pulled into some town with no lights, they drove up drive thru style to a house window and knocked on it. So I'm thinking "welp, I had a good run".garbage
    • Two hands came out with bottles of Belikin, and we all just drank in silence the rest of the way home. It's up there for me of strangest nights of my life.garbage
    • ^ sounds like every horror movie I’ve ever seen ... you’re lucky to be alive haRamanisky2
    • Oh yeah, picture coming down from coke while sitting hip-to-hip in the middle seat with a guy you bashed 2 hours prior. I thought I was about to be killed.garbage
    • My thought was "Welp, my fist exceeded my grasp. Whatever. Bye world." Then the dude handed me a beer. It was surreal.garbage

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