Out of context: Reply #12

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  • hat-rack20

    I went to school with cam, nick and chris from jet. Man its amazing how they have improved.

    I remember seeing them in all the little pubs around melbourne... then they released their LP and it all started happening.

    Went to their first gig (major one) in melb and since then ive been to TONs of their shows.. queensland, london, melbourne..

    its good to see how it all happens backstage too... lots of fun ;) The last one i saw was at brixton academy in london, and it was BIG. so manyh people.. plus all the free beer backstage, it was great! They know how to put on a show...One of the best things too is they havnt changed (that much! maybe a little but you would change too) I still wouldnt think twice about calling cam if he was in the country and say lets go have a beer.

    anyways I think they are the bomb and their album, every song is excellent. go get it!

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