Quitting Creative Business

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • Boz0

    Well to tell you the truth I do not want to be an agent. I want to buy properties, fix them, and possibly rent them out (long term profits) and on ocassion do fixups and then re-sell them for additional profit. I would definitely stay for a while in design (I still love this occupation too much and I think I'm pretty good at it anyways), but when looking at long term goals I don't think it can provide financial gains as it used to. I don't want to go into my point of view of the creative industry but I can tell you that 16-18 hour days with almost no personal life is just hitting me too hard and even though I do make decent money, it will never be as it used to in terms of company growth and so on. This industry in general is going down, especially web stuff and if you plan to make a solid living, have whatever you want in life, unfortunately our industry will not provide us with that. It might've been this way 10, 20, 30 years ago, but in the next few years, web sites and similar will become a commodity.

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