
Out of context: Reply #8

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  • mr_snuggles0

    Personally, I believe designers can make a difference, but at the end of the day it's up to the client and the big business leaders of the world.

    It kills me when you flip through old issues of Shift or Adbusters and you see all these environmentally friendly technologies that aren't being used. People have proven that some of these new developments can actually save these big corporations money in the long run, but big business doesn't seem to care about longevity, it's mostly about making as much money as you can quickly...

    These are the folks that have the real power to create more honest and friendly products, yet too few are jumping on the bandwagon.

    Bigger problem is that too many consumers just don't care about what they are buying. Sounds like lot's of people here do, but this is because we're closer to the issues...

    Changing the way the consumer perceives their world is the first, I'm not sure...but people NEED to think before they buy..

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