
Out of context: Reply #10

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  • laurus0

    I had an agency job in NYC. I made a lot, but I didn't like my job. I got an offer for 15k less than what I was making and decided to take it. When I told them, they offered me my boss's (who was my friend, BTW) job and a huge (and I'm talking HUGE) increase.

    I took the other job. Hated it even more.

    Got an offer from Amsterdam for even less. Thought: "what the hell" and took it (I had a kid by that time).

    They were real assholes, and ended up paying even less than they promised, but because I was on a visa, I couldn't leave the job without leaving the country, a fact which they took advantage of— by the way, they are called IJsfontein, and they really suck. ended up finishing all my savings from the US in Holland.

    I left and went back to Israel. Here I started my own studio, doing work for local and US clients. Happier than ever before, making more money and working on better projects.

    so, all those seemigly at the time 'life and death' decisions mounted up to nothing much. What I did find is—whenever I ignored my instincts, I got screwed. I had an inkling about the places I didn't enjoy working for, even before I started.

    I know this is not really advise, but good luck, anyways.

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