Anthony Robbins

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • exador10

    from what i understand of his theories (gleaned from seeng his informercial on in the wee hours of the morn) it's sort of based around watching succesful people in a given industry, and emulating them..then assigning yourself small limited tasks and goals and achieving them, each step getting you closer and closer to attaining what you want..


    isn't that sort of when many of us do already in this field?

    when i graduated, i didn't know jack squat...didn't know what a font suitcase was, didn't know how to use photoshop very well, didn't know quark worth a damn..
    and at each design or advertising shop i worked at, i would find someone that was a wiz at one of them, and basically watch and soak up everything they could teach me..
    once i got a handle on that, i started watching an art director i was working with..
    over a few years of working with him i got a pretty good idea of the steps and process he goes through when working out ideas and concepts...which are worth pursing, and which weren't..

    i also spend a lot of time watching those in control of the agencies i worked at..
    how they were at client meetings..did they take did they handle the day to day business..

    all of that watching, all of that learning pays off...

    so in a sense , tony robbins seems to understand what to do..
    but in another sense, it's pretty much commen knowledge..and all you need are two things..
    one, if you're starting out, you need to meet and learn from folks that have been around for awhile and don't mind teaching you the ropes..
    2) you need patience and perseverence (sp?) to understand that it's a long process..and you're not going to learn everything in the 1st week...
    takes years...
    but it's alllll worth it..
    or something like that..


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