Internet Pointless?

Out of context: Reply #31

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  • bull0

    I was feeling just about the same until recently, then I hit on something that is at once very depressing and very liberating. I just started removing all the shit that I don't actually need. Now I have no internet at home, no TV, no radio, no DVD, no carpets (although that one wasn't entirely deliberate).
    It's kind of a Bruce Lee meets Classic Greek philosophy meets Tyler Durden kind've thing.

    Incidentally, since I started doing this, I've written an album of (i think ) decent stuff, become much better read, started making decent images again with my camera. All in all, a real creative Copernican revolution.

    The downside is that you begin to realise just how little of the stuff you surround yourself with is necessary, and subsequently you begin to struggle to see the point.

    The weirdest thing is admitting that you don't need the stuff you don't need, and then throwing it out.

    Anyway, I have a meeting.


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