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  • atomica

    Hey, I'm a big protectorate of radical opinions, but lately it seems that I see radicals promoting a popular opinion. The antiwar opinion. Yeah kind of confusing that I consider that a majority, but look around, there's so many people protesting, it's making me sick. But I think if I stand up for what I believe and say hey, its a very neccessary thing to go into this war and make things a little better for the world by wasting a few people who only have selfish goals.... I feel people will think thats crazy. But yeah, this is me taking my stand because I think its neccessary. I support Bush and well, I'm tired of this leftwing protesting crap against it, acting like they have no opinion, doing marches, rallying celebs, and politicians etc. I'm glad Bush is resolute enough to stand firm with his ideas, unlike some. If we don't deal with the problem now, we'll deal with it later and I guarantee it will only get worse. Voice your opinions here... pro or anti it doesn't matter... Anyone else feel the same?

  • Danski0

    I never, ever, like telling people that they're wrong, even if they're under some horrible illusions that may hurt them later on.

    Have some journalism:

    I guarantee it'll be an education for you.

  • mitsu0

    while i'm not taking the pro-war side, i fail to see what that proves. looks like a collection of personal and subjective opinions rather than objective news.

  • vespa0

    You are entitled to your opinion.

    But why do you see the people who are protesting against the war as "having no opinion"?

  • atomica0

    shit early typing is bad, I really have no clue what i meant by the no opinion thing, might thoughts might be blending in a fury or something.... I'm just stating that the radicals always act like their opinion is so amazingly meaningful and 'radically different' but at the moment its really the majority, while Bush and several others sit up on top holding their belief, which day by day is seemingly becoming more of the minority opinion. Just bothers me a little, makes me feel a little uneasy about having to have a radical opinon that is pro war.....

  • Danski0

    There is no need to feel uneasy. If you want to stand by bush, then stand by him and take the damned responsibility for it when the whole thing's over and the smoke is clearing. It's your life, and your conscience. No-one can tell you where you can and can't point it.

    But they can advise you. They can tell you things that CNN will not. They can tell things that will make you feel upset and bewildered and really fucking angry and that will be Good For You.

  • vespa0

    I think you have pointed out smething important by saying that the majority is against the war and that this is not a radical opinion.

    This is why so many people are protesting - we are supposed to be democratic countries and the UN is supposed to decide on whether war goes ahead or not, but democratic opinion is being ignored.

  • Danski0

    "War is the last resort of the unimaginative"

  • MX_OnD0

    your opinion doesn't have to be radical, just because someone's opinion is the majority opinion doesn't make them wrong per se.

    I like to think of myself as an individual but in this case my thinking is the same as the majority and know what? It doesn't bother me in the slightest.

    If every other fecker started wearing the same clothes as I do it would bother me a lot more - there are certain issues where doing the same as the majority is sheep like but others where it isn't.....


  • unknown0

    Simple point...

    Is killing iraqi children ok because they are iraqi, why are they so different to our children.

    My daughter asked me if iraqi children would die if we had a war. I told her they would and she replied, but what have they done wrong.

    The black and white viiew of children should never be underestimated.

    Scared human.

  • mitsu0

    pulled from CNN:

    "The White House has urged chief inspector Hans Blix to report "just the facts" and insisted there can be no reading of the facts that does not support the conclusion that Iraq is not cooperating with U.N. verification of disarmament. "

    wft... and i'm just supposed to take their word for this? the media is a powerfull tool.

  • Danski0

    What evidence has been presented thus far? Photos of buildings with red lines drawn around them. Drawings of trucks. Audio tapes of people speaking in arabic.

    These prove nothing. Because there is no real evidence. Plans to invade iraq go back through the clinton era to the previous bush administration. This is nothing more than a propagandist's method of getting the apathetic and docile masses behind the expansion of US borders.

  • MX_OnD0

    let me get this right, we are going to war to uphold and defend our democracy and install one in Iraq?

    And who are our leaders in this?

    GW Bush, whose election was extremely dubious, if not downright illegal.


    Tony Blair, who ignores his own government's pleas to see sense.

    And both of them do this AGAINST the express wishes of their respective majorities.....

    which democracy EXACTLY are we supposed to be defending??

  • vespa0

    Danski, you forgot the 12 year old thesis lifted from the internet (The Dodgy Dossier)

  • lnu0

    Right now I'm against a war, but on a more philosophical level I don't see what's keeping the Bush administration from just doing it, going there. I mean, for me the definition of war is 'everyone is going crazy', it's hard for me to see how all these men in suits have meetings and write reports that will determine wether there will be a war or not, i.e. if the US *can* start a war or not. Murdering another human beeing is monsterous and I think it's crazy how somebody can say *OK, go ahead' or 'Don't kill that person' (even if it prevents the death of ten men). Know what I mean?

  • mbr0

    First, I am neither prowar nor anti, but I really don't get some of the things people are saying.

    Now, who's word are you supposed to take? Most people have made up their minds and will not budge. Iraq has chemical weapons, they always have and they've never PROVEN to get rid of them. This is what they were supposed to do, not play hide and seek with UN inspectors. The inspectors were supposed to be taken to sites where the destruction and disposal of these weapons took place. They never have. Iraq has these weapons, there is really no question of that. It rests on their shoulders to prove they've destroyed them, and should not rest on the UNs.
    That said, I don't think Bush is doing things as well as he could. Patience does not seem to be something that cowboy learned. So I am for peace, of course (as is everyone, ultimately), and looking at alternatives. But Saddam does need to go, at some point.

    What upsets me is that people will point the finger at us and say it's all oil, and most of it is, but that's the same motivation for France not to participate - it will jeopardize their stakes in Iraq. Not to mention, Iraq is down at number 11 (I believe) for oil production.

    It never is black and white, regardless if children are involved, and regardless of how everyone wants it to be. It never can be.

  • vespa0

    I'm also confused about how we are deciding about "starting" a "war" when they haven't stopped bombing in 11 years. Isn't that a war already?

  • mitsu0

    no that's a fallacy. saying that lack of evidence constitutes "a propagandist's method of getting the apathetic and docile masses behind the expansion of US borders" is just taking it too far.

  • reluct0

    If you are pro war you don't really need to be radical. Everyone knows that democracy is totally ignored in this matter, so it is going to happen. No matter what.

    Remember how Bush became president in the first place? If democracy turns against you there are other means to get what you want.

    Anyway. Here in Holland almost 70% is against the war and less than 14 procent is pro. You would expect an attitude like Germany, France and Belgium (old europe??), but no. Our government is supporting the war and there is nothing we can do about it. Except for demonstration of course and that is what's happening all over the globe right now.

  • MX_OnD0

    how about everyone just phones in sick on the same day????

    that way there is something you can do, and it would hurt the government big time.....

  • sci0

    check out Noam Chomskys "necessary illusions- thought control in democratic societies" in reference to the western medias distorted war coverage.