New 2advanced production

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  • 100 Responses
  • cab2k40

    i have to agree that 2advanced does over tthe top commercial work. it has its niche, and they do it well, hence"2advanced"
    i like there stuff...and tons of people rip it. it might not be timeless design, but the techno shit you got in your cd player aint either.
    i agree the maturity of this forum has gone to shit, reminds me of those coffee shop art fags with no skills..claiming there artist,
    and anything with merit is shit.
    oh you bit this guy or blah blah.
    if i had a dollar every time somebody from this forum bit 2a,
    i would be a rich man.
    respect good work, techinically sound work, even if its not your cup of tea...i do...

  • unknown0

    wow, I never knew that people hate this hard on 2A around here...

    i'm betting none of these haters has the foggiest clue how much work it takes to put together an actual company with employees and decent clients.

  • joelski0

    eric jordan and his crew at advanced have inspired me so much over the years.....his work is amazing and really shows the future in interface design. They keep true to their style, which is every designer should try to do....they don't try to be something they aint. If I could ever produce something half as good as that I will die a happy dude. RESPECT

  • kendo0

    Visual communication has been the tool of mankind since the stone age. That's long before we could finally call ourselves 'a designer'. We have such long history and yet we can only see things that this 3 dimentional space allows us.
    Having evolved in such space where everything can be explained by 3 points (height, width, and depth), our brain is already programmed to see things in a certain way, the way everyone else sees.
    And designers, not only can they play with it, but also they are capable of creating time and space, thus affecting the hyperdimention. Designer's abilitly is not just limited to a piece of great artwork on the canvas but it extends to how the artwork affects the world around it. It's hard because it's invisible and unpredictable beyond 3rd dimention. We don't normaly like to believe in anything that we can't see or touch.
    I really enjoyed 2A's bacardi site mixing up loops, no matter how the new design looks like. I'm very happy with that.

  • mitsu0

    wow, that is a dope mixer!!!


    "Im sorry to say, but this is my last visit to Newstoday. It is now merely a haven for negativity. Enjoy your half empty cup of coffee. Out."

    this is not true. dude, you are going to face this type of critisicm no matter where you go. you guys are successull and that should be all the padding you need for the negative comments to bounce off. many people here really enjoy your work and yes, some don't dig your style... so what? to each their own. you are doing what you love and that's what matters, ya know? ok, i'm too hung over to keep typing. peace.

  • Rementer0

    when you go the 2advance website, you think "this is sort of neat", then you look at the 'Identity' work, and you say to yourself "this is a joke"

  • rico_escobar0

    Rementar. have quite an impressive portfolio yourself.

    Never done a website other than your own. Never done any logo work, Your illustrations look like my 2 year old sister's.


    I'm sure 2Advanced is really nervous about your opinions.

  • unknown0

    It's cool, but, it doesn't reflect the image of Bacardi if you ask me, looks like a generic thing to me, althought not easily deployed, it's still not that original idea.

    My two cents.


  • garrison0

    im sorry–will you people ever realize you don't need to be able to do better when you critique something? not to mention the bacardi site isn't "made for designers only."

  • Rementer0

    thank you rico

    i am not a web designer. and i like that you think my work is like a 2 year old's.

  • phlojonaut0

    I don't like it much either...
    I respect the designer/programer, they obvioulsy can do flash work....
    I just don't care for the design and/or color scheme...

    my 2 cents...

  • MrDinky0

    I life Rementer's work

    and his illustrations and design work...

    and photos...

    Rico on 2A side?

  • Xentic0

    Yes, I think Rementer has a pretty good site! I ike it!

  • unknown0

    how about intelligent criticisms? saying "this sucks" is a hater move. this guy eric jordan might be an egomaniac for all I know but he still deserves a fair criticism with reasons to back up what you say.

  • MrDinky0

    i like 2A..
    i like Pixelranger
    mixed feeling about EJ

    they tend to have nice transition but they seem to have used it too oftern BUT thats what makes them sell. Their transitition have been very nicely done that follows a similar style yet different. Think alot of ppl expect alot from 2A and that could be the problem. There is no AWESOME site anymore. Everyone is quick to pull a hater trigger cause they seen it before. Over all i give them B+. If someone told me to make a site like 2A i say i cant, not cause i dont want to but cause i cant.

  • unknown0

    I don't see why everyone gets pissed off at criticism.

    Our jobs, as designers is to study, learn, think and, yes - design.
    Critical thought is part of this whole process.
    Without critical thought there is no cut off point for bad ideas. Without criticism we have no base from which to judge sucesses or failures.

    and I'll say:
    Just because the client 'likes' it doesn't mean it was sucessful. Sucess in design is far more than just making the client drool and getting a paycheck - although probably many of you don't agree or care.

    success in my mind is based up on:

    #1 Communication of concepts, ideas, look n feel with the particular audience

    #2 Technical: does it work, are there bugs, can everyone see/work it does it load well for most users

    #3 Does it look good. Is it well thought out visually. Is there a hierarchy of importance in the image/text. Is it detailed. Is it unique in its voice - or is it a trend. Is it appropriate to use the trend or not? Is it appropriate to give it it's own voice?
    #3b. Does it push the envelop for the studio/designer's work. Is it progressively building upon previous work and have you learned soemthing from it.

    #4 Is it useable. Can a majority of people use/understand the site and find information, or get the idea of what the site is saying/promoting/selling

    #5 Is the client happy. Do they understand why decisions are made, why it looks the way it does, why it functions the way it does. Do they understand why it was the best choice for their target market/people/industry and why it works, looks, moves, reacts the way it does.

    I can't speak for other people, but when I criticize work - I am not saying "You guys are lazy"
    I don't care if you spent 100,000 hours on it. I'm not rating your work ethic.
    I don't care if you slave-drove your designers to get it in under budget and on time.
    A majority of bigger dollar design firms/groups do this every day. It's not special that you are overworked. A lot of us are.

    People probably do love to hate you.
    And it's probably because of your cocky attitudes and general bastard-ness whenever anyone says anything slightly derogatory about your work or your company.
    You're gonna take a lot of crap in your life - you should get used to it. Actually, you should've gotten used to it already.

    Yeah, there's some nice detail on this site. But it's the same detail and whiteflashing flicker animation that I've seen for the past couple years on every 2advanced site I've seen.

    Yeah, it's your "style".
    To me that's a cop out that says "We don't know how to do it any other way".
    Style is fine - but when it overpowers the message or idea - then it's a hinderance.

    I just have not seen any progress in 2Advanced's style, form, or design.

    Oh, and the little flashy lights on the left are a nice touch.

    But techno music is still the worst thing ever created.

  • lyrek0

    What I pulled from this thread:

    1. I still dislike the use of metals/chrome in interfaces. I still hate cluttered design that lacks negative space.

    Designers would be nothing without critiques. I value them immensely. Others should too. However, take them with a grain of salt and still trust your own instincts first.

    2. People that speak on behalf of a company should choose their words better. A member of 2Advanced insulted this board and its members. As a result, this company will never get my business and I will never refer or subcontract to them. Your image is just as important as your talent.

    3. As I said before: if the client is happy, congratulations. Job well done.

    4. I'm assuming Eric Jordon works for (or IS) 2Advanced. Whatever the case, it shouldn't matter. A designer's ego should never supercede the quality of the company or its reputation. In a perfect world: Designers shouldn't have egos. Just like they shouldn't have styles.


  • eyoto0

    Ok first off right on Rementer!!!! Finally someone that gets it. Its really easy to sift through crap when you look at the typography... and the indentity work is garbage. NOT conceptual. Something that is conceptual sets intself apart from something that is just flash and cool. And for those that didnt already know it techie design is dead...died with kioken. And that 45 degree angle shit is sooooo played. Right on Rementer.

  • garrison0

    oh, but cinder.. its orange and green.. so its different.


  • Ante0
    This I think is new also from 2. I think its clean, like the portfolio section. The logos and how they move. Interesting. Cant wait for the wake, it's gonna be interesting to see even more people bite this shit. As for 2advanced. They do good work. Just its all those other fuckers that copy them and do a shitty job that waters it down. If you guys hate on eric jordan for doing similar shit all the time, take it easy. might as well hate james; presstube and nando; hungryfordesign because all they do is similar shit as well. that’s their style, the way they lay down the pencil or place type. Granted you can dislike someone’s style. But don’t bash em for having shit that looks similar. And then again you cant really say they are groundbreaking or innovative if all the stuff looks the same. it's just style.