virus wife beater

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    sup home-dawgs?

    we had a virus come in the other day and it shut us down pretty good for half a day.
    the sys admin installs Outlook Express for everyone to check mail thru.
    when i worked in a webteam a few yers back, the webmaster said that outlook was one of the leading causes for people getting viruses because you had to download the mail in order to read it (or something like that).

    i told the sys admin that very thing when i started working here, but he didnt really care.

    so now we get a virus once every 3 months or so. so we have to remove all personal items from computers, stop surfing the web, take down our wallpapers, screensavers/themes (but who really uses a theme anyway?).

    he seems to think that he knows what is goin on, but i am still wondering if we could be leaving ourselves open by using outlook.

    anyone got any info that i should show our sys admin? many thanks g-homeys.

  • artboy0

    I never set up Outlook Express for anybody when we put together a new box. I made them use Eudora.

  • mitsu0

    if they're hotmail accounts, just use, otherwise, set up a web interface to check your mail...