tables (no html. plain design)

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  • jgrafx


    its like every year: one of my clients has a huuuuge stock list, full of fuckin numbers and a few annonations. its about technical stuff, measurements, prices, weight, specs.

    its funkin monday, my brain looks crinkled like my shirt: no ideas how to arrange the stupid numbers in a nice way, not looking like a phone directory.

    anyone can give me a hint where to find inspiration?
    my solutions so far:
    a) google. showed only html manuals
    b) business reports. its "too minimalistic". i have only 2 fucking colors (cyan & black, uglyyyy!)

  • unknown0

    behind your black text alternate between a 10% tint of cyan and white instead of using rules to seperate the rows.

    maybe. hahah good luck!