Microsoft Access

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  • 4 Responses
  • lind

    If you're a web designer, do you know how to use Access?

    And if so, what do you use it for? Do you use it for personal stuff as well?

    I sort of want to learn it.

  • unfittoprint0

    you might want to use it to export it to txt or cvs files for MySQL. And er.. that's all...

    I kid, I kid... Acess have some nice powerfull tool for database queries and interaction,

    so does MySQL+PHP....

  • jgjh1510

    I use it for all small sites that need to use a database. I use asp to interact with the access databse.

    Some can't afford MS SQL server, so access is the replacement / low cost solution for me.

    It does have some nice built-in features like the data entry forms.

  • sparker0

    low cost?? mysql and postgre are more powerful relational databases and both are freely available and open-source.


    access is a poor excuse for a database. i don't know many who use it for major development or enterprise level products.

    it's ok for joe blow home user to store his dvd and mp3 collection list or something, but i wouldn't trust my critical or professional data to it.

    use mysql or postgre - preferrably postgre.


  • unknown0


    I disagree. Although Access does not represent the top of the line database, it is more then acceptable for many small business applications. It is very stable and quality piece of software. It includes very good query builders, supports all relational queries (one-to-one, one-to-many...) and supports stored procedures while mySQL doesn't. Though definitely not so good for enterprise applications, it does the job. As far as stability issues are concerned, I would rather give money for Access then for free mySQL. why? Well simply because open-source is never that safe. It's very different when the database is developed within one company and the code is tested and retested for holes and stuff. You never know about the stuff that happens behind mySQL and who placed what. Not to be totally negative, mySQL is very good, I use it in some non critical web applications and for ordinary sites with dynamic content, where security is not that of an issue. mySQL is extremely fast as well, much faster then Access.