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  • sexypixel

    monastery. You are welcome here

    as long as you like, but you may not speak until I

    direct you to do so".

    Sister Mary Katherine lived in the monastery for 5

    years before the Priest said to her, "Sister Mary Katherine,

    you have been here for 5 years. You can speak two words."

    Sister Mary Katherine said, "Hard Bed."

    "I'm sorry to hear that," the Priest said, "We

    will get you a better bed."

    After another 5 years, Sister Mary Katherine was

    called by the Priest."You may say another two words, Sister Mary


    "Cold food," said Sister Mary Katherine, and the

    Priest assured her that the food would be better in the future.

    On her 15th anniversary at the monastery, the

    Priest again called Sister Mary Katherine into his office. "You may

    Say two words today."

    "I quit," said Sister Mary Katherine.

    "It's probably best", said the Priest, "You've

    done fuck all but moan since you've been here, you wingeing cunt.

  • ikbenvanrijn0

    a classic, but still funny :)