- Started
- Last post
- 76,067 Responses
- ********0
- ********0
- what do we win?pango
- Exactly********
- maybe if they went to make friends it would work bettergeorgesIII
- Losers!utopian
- Born alone, die alone.********
- reminds me of…bklyndroobeki
- "I didn't come on this show to interact with other designers" LOLbklyndroobeki
- sarahfailin0
I wonder if you added up all the upvotes and downvotes from all the threads if QBN is in the red or in the black?
- pinkfloyd1
Eating healthy food kinda sucks cause no bacon.
- good bacon is healthy! at least that's what I think.capn_ron
- there's also a twix bar dangling in front of me :(pinkfloyd
- Proper bacon as part of a balanced diet is perfectly healthy.********
- What is up with people and bacon?********
- Pork fat is tasty like no other.monospaced
- Bacon isn't that unhealthy.grotesk_neue
- ^bklyndroobeki
- scarabin0
am i the only one who thinks this stuff is kind of comical? i mean i appreciate the work and dedication that goes into it but i feel like the enthusiasm guys have for it is a little overinflated and the girls take themselves so damn seriously...
sorry, what i meant to say was yeah titties, grunt grunt. beer.
- http://media.giphy.c…moldero
- looolscarabin
- ^^feminismpinkfloyd
- we all like different things though. seems so redic to me but yeah i can see how a certain type would love it and how someone would be dedicated to dancing.bklyndroobeki
- i like it when a girl does it for fun and treats it as just another form of dancing, which i think is almost a sacred act. also flow is hot. but when theyscarabin
- declare themselves “the world’s best” it’s just kind of stupid because it’s no longer a personal thingscarabin
- anyway, yeah. carry on.scarabin
- just got back from a strip club and found the experience a little weird and surrealscarabin
- hahaha! ah, so that's where this post came from. hilarious. IDK we're all dedicated to something or other LOLbklyndroobeki
- Totally agree scarabin********
- "Worlds best" anything means you need $bklyndroobeki
- get that girl something to eat, eesh, ribcage city********
- how can she be the best int the world, is there some kinda whore olympics every 4 years? if yes, please send me the link ASAPgeorgesIII
- Ben990
my Chrome Cast just stopped working for no reason... I've got a red light on it.
- turn it off/
turn it ongeorgesIII - i turned it off/on. unplugged. changed HDMI port. nothing work.Ben99
- even the reset button doesnt work. you have to press it 25sec to factory reset it. doesnt work for me.Ben99
- turn it off/
- ********0
Donald Trump Is In: Promises To 'Make America Great Again'.
- scarabin0
hey sea_sea, how's your trip going? you back yet?
- hai :) just got back yesterday. my trip was intense. i'm in love with greece and ancient egyptian culture. seeing it with my own eyes was surreal.sea_sea
- not ashamed to admit i broke down at the parthenon, overwhelming beauty. walking up the acropolis felt like i was going back in time. cheops broke me as well.sea_sea
- sweet!moldero
- well welcome back to the states, where we have no history and our columns are made of fibreglassscarabin
- :/scarabin
- can't wait to see your pics!scarabin
- lol thank you, i'm actually really glad to be home. now i have a ton of pics to filter through. :lsea_sea
- you've surely inspired me to head out there in this lifetime. welcome back!bklyndroobeki
- Did you get any souvenirs from the tomb? :Dpango
- i snuck a few pictures even though it was prohibited, does that count? :Psea_sea
- uan-2
same color skin sex should be banished from humanity,
we would get rid of racism in 2-3 genarations- How?monospaced
- I say we should have interracial orgy right on the street. Every weekend.pango
- girls can't resists mono's dad bodpinkfloyd
- and fat head lolpinkfloyd
- Lol cmon pinky. It's getting old.pango
- i'm a victimpinkfloyd
- i'm heading to UkraineBen99
- O__O cool story Benpango
- back to the topic. i doubt it. Some particular form of racism or discrimination is based on the skin colourpango
- and we will always have different skin colour depends on where you life and your life style.pango
- *livepango
- When i was in asia. i felt that asian look down on tanner asian. it's dumb and sad.pango
- it happens everywhere. the darker your skin the lower class citizen you are treated as. shameful and disgusting way to see life and other humans.sea_sea
- well that's what they get for being from near the equator.scarabin
- damn it people! when will they learn not to live there!pango
- As if pinkfloyd has ever seen me or met me except for seeing a single photo that JG took. Fucking cunt has the nerve to insult me without any reason.monospaced
- Whatever I say or do here I would never stoop to the level of insults and cutlery displayed by some of you dicks. I have never once done this.monospaced
- You laughed when I lost 6k on apple stocks, remember that? You insulted my new watch for no reason. The list goes on, so don't try to play innocent again.pinkfloyd
- Whatever, just get off my case first, and I won't say anything back.pinkfloyd
- 2-0 monospacedbklyndroobeki
- stooping to that cutlery********
- Making fun of a couple of small decisions is not the same as insulting someone's physique. If that's the best you can do that's pathetic.monospaced
- dumbest thing i ever heard uanbklyndroobeki
- maybe was too harsh. i know you're using sarcasm.bklyndroobeki
- Dad bods are in, relax idiot.pinkfloyd
- If you think harder, it's actually a compliment.pinkfloyd
- Do you annoy Everyone you meet?pinkfloyd
- How many people does it take to rid of racism? Uan...pango
- moldero0
non same sex sex should be banished from humanity,
we would get rid of people in 1 generation
- ********0
Client described a project to me as "fast cash". Should I be insulted? Because it's not that much money.
What's the lowest amount of money you would call "fast cash" for a few hours of work?
- $200inteliboy
- http://media.giphy.c…utopian
- hahamoldero
- fast doesn't imply plenty, it implies easyGnash
- so to me it's a fist full of dollars in the time it takes to brush my teeth.Gnash
- depends. is it urgent? charge even more. is it not urgent? then charge your usual hourly rate.iCanHazQBN
- Did something last sunday more as a favour for a co-worker.
1 hour = 250 bucks, pretty fast cash.grotesk_neue
- inteliboy0
another day, another flash update :/
shit is like anti-virus software in the 90's.- A weekly chore®utopian
- I keep thinking the updates are trojansGnash
- Fuck apple and innovation right? Steve jobs would never allowed this right?monospaced
- I remember a year or two ago flash announced auto updates?fourth
- its the worst updater in that you have to dl a .dmg file to install. why? I don't have to update anything else like thatfourth
- inteliboy1
The cool scary tech thread just reminds me that I was born and now living in a boring transitional era... as opposed to a fully realised industry. Yeah we got the birth of the PC and internet... but kids that grow up in 2020, or 2080... now that shit is going to be interesting.
- according to global warming activist,
Dey gun' dead!!georgesIII - i agree, inteliboy. we'll be dead before the really cool, life-like technology starts happening.iCanHazQBN
- according to global warming activist,
- juanluisgarcia2
i will punch you if you use picas to measure your documents
- ^ lol. i was gonna say 'i use picachus'.iCanHazQBN
- pango0
Ohhh boy. Here comes another round of laid off. Survived one last year. Got a raise this year. So far untouchable. Let's see how this goes.
- good luck pang. some stuff is happening at our place too that makes me a little uneasy.capn_ron
- that's why i don't have a job http://ak-hdl.buzzfe…juanluisgarcia
- It's annoying! 2 years in a roll!pango
- any updates?utopian
- Will know tomorrow.pango
- any word?bklyndroobeki
- i guess no news is good news.bklyndroobeki
- scarabin0
i wonder when google image is gonna start animating animated gifs in their search results.
they should at least have a preference for it or something.
- they just barely got chrome to be able to handle animated gifs. i wouldn't hold your breathsarahfailin
- sea_sea2
I can't esleep! Yesterday woke up at 4pm, it's almost 5am, my internal clock is screwed up and now I'm hungry gawdamit.
- bklyndroobeki0
Last night: Top shelf liquor, and one shit beer at the end of the night. I drank way too much.Woke up from a strange dream this morning that left me thinking about it the entire day, leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Funny how a fucking dream can ruin your day (minus being hung over-ish).
Surprisingly was able to hold it together and went out on a "getting to know hang out with someone," (just had 1 beer) and I felt like I was in the twilight the entire time.
Shit for a day.
- that shit beer was Tecate. o_Obklyndroobeki
- anyone know how to control their dreams? need to learn this technique.bklyndroobeki
- yeah, keep asking yourself during the day "am I dreaming?" then inevitably you'll ask yourself the same question when asleep and you can then take control_niko
- how long til it takes affect _niko?bklyndroobeki
- :/scarabin
- scarabin2
had a dream last night i was swimming as a bigass fish amongst other bigass fishes in the vast fucking ocean. woke up, ate some acid with my girl and visited the aquarium near my house. best day evar
- oh damn, didn't even read the post before this. my bad.scarabin
- Ya rub it in his face! Lolpango
- hah! no worries it all balances out, i did have an amazing surfing dream last week so it all balances outbklyndroobeki
- people still do acid? woahcbass99
- fuck yeahscarabin
- addiction?yurimon
- yes, i'm addicted to aquariumsscarabin
- nice. i remember having dreams where i was swimming as fast as a dolphin, the feeling was so liberating and beautiful. like flying. :)sea_sea