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- utopian-15
- iCanHazQBN-2
- You're right.
Bottom one: http://images.popmat…MrT - ah yes, i see.Gnash
- #2 ChimpmunkGiraffeutopian
- she ruined her faceinteliboy
- intelliboy, the above picture is pretty recent. I think to promote a song with an 1980's vibe http://i.dailymail.c…iCanHazQBN
- Dayum! she's gorgeous on the first pic.
de fuck happened to the second pic?pango - 10 years happened?Fax_Benson
- jeeez I cant even believe that's her in the first pic ... yeah wtf ???Ramanisky2
- stahp! she's still cute, everyone has a bad day. first one is a pro-styled shoot. be nice.Gnash
- I know she's still hot but when you put those 2 pics side by side. Dayum!pango
- Fax_Benson, the above pic is recent. She let her eyebrows grow for some 1980's thing.iCanHazQBN
- You're right.
- pango0
No more super Saiyan. :(
- pango0
What do you do if your best friends new gf is a vegan judgemental anal bitch who lives with your best friend now?
- shave her armpits? i dunno.iCanHazQBN
- when in her vicinity— wear a TRUMP16 pin while carrying a hoagie (never actually take a bite of the hoagie)PonyBoy
- true... she doesn't shave her armpit.pango
- ^
grossApeRobot - cook lots of baconmonospaced
- my roommate's vegan judgemental gf moved in with him (and me) in 2008. eventually they broke up.sarahfailin
- I'm a vegetarian, but I told her if your whole raison d'etre is to eliminate your footprint, then the best way to do it is to just kill yourself.sarahfailin
- i'd probably not go to his house as often. or just be a cool person to her and hope she follows suitscarabin
- I don't think she can't control her self getting up on my shit. "Did you know eating meat is bad for the environment? Did you know your shampoo has a lot ofpango
- Just be your-qbn-self around her.sea_sea
- Chemicals? Did you know smoke kills? Did you know they use child labour for your clothing? You should know better. "pango
- Holy fuck women.pango
- that doesnt sound good at all but maybe an aphrodisiac will loosen her up********
- Or chloroform. =__=
Bitch...pango - lol @seabklyndroobeki
- Lol @yes_yes. Hard. I'm not mean to people offline.pango
- Next time she points something out, tell her becoming a vegan turns you into a cunt.iCanHazQBN
- If she's as bad as she sounds, doubt she'll last. Unless your friend is pussy whipped, in that case it will take longer.sea_sea
- She is not a bad person. She tries to do good. Just in a super fucking cunty way.pango
- give her shit about it and start some banter.inteliboy
- I have an annoying vegan friend who is always talking shit about how wrong everyone is. Makes me want to put him on mute.sea_sea
- Vegetarian's are find. Vegan is the worst...
i once wind up in a Lesbian Vegan house. nothing against lesbian but holy shit! worst combination of people ever!pango - they complain and judge on EVERYTHING. what's the point of living?!?!?! their life is so miserable... at least they have each other... i guess...pango
- yea, all that peace n love they preach isn't coming through is it? i say screw it, live and let live, stop being so judgmental it's taxing, no one likes it.sea_sea
- detritus9
- Make QBN Great Again
+1******** - ^ your post here is ironic, n doesnt absolve you of guilt.yurimon
- For years, I have secretly suspected that GeorgesII is, in fact, the same person as GeorgesIV, but I have no way to prove it.nb
- yeah, do itscarabin
- *grabs popcornmonospaced
- i thought there were just multiple georgesessarahfailin
- I am not a trollsureshot
- My post your feed(s) thread got deleted.
*shrugs********* - so what?monospaced
- i haven't been paying attention. yuri is gone, yuri is back? also isn't "isleptwithsirentsto... yuri?garbage
- ^ yuri's back but has been pretty civil, iswst is actually most of qbn, and mods tell us most of the trolling accts are one person– some of us are curious whoscarabin
- I posted the feeds for the accounts I've been using and that got deleted.
The plot thickens.******** - I rather think we all landed in qbn hellban but don't know it.uan
- i always thought that all of the georges were mostly just one guy on different machines?garbage
- my guess would be yuri wearing socks or gilgagarbage
- It is true every georges_ account is used by different person.pango
- DO IT********
- There is only one true Georges, the rest are imposters. But, which one? There is no GeorgesI, so it remains a mystery. Will the real Georges please stand up?nb
- The Georges are actually quintuplets. If you do an enhance on their QBN Mugs you can see the difference.********
- there is more than one person using multiple usernames to cause trouble. Not many but more than one for sure. And THEY know who they are.fadein11
- You'd bloody well hope they know who they are, otherwise we're doomed.detritus
- there's only and there will always be one Georges,
different timelines/machines and countriesGeorgesII - @detritus - lol - I meant the people in QBN power know who they are ha.fadein11
- @georges - perhaps time to just login as one Georges now eh? Can't you remember a password? But of course you have other names as well ;)fadein11
- @fadein, the different Georges are different machines/platforms I use daily, It can be usefulgeorgesIII
- ah okfadein11
- how is it useful?scarabin
- i was rightgarbage
- Make QBN Great Again
- Fax_Benson1
considering a self-imposed media blackout
- bklyndroobeki-1
Silly question I'll likely regret later: Was there beer in Jesus age?
- yes, way olderuan
- yupGnash
- invented somewhen around dinosaurs liveduan
- yes, but much of it had less alcohol %brandelec
- the dinosaurs invented beer, around 7000 years ago.garbage
- Jesus turned water into wine, right?monospaced
- Je who?Ben99
- Yes. Which makes some brands' inability to make a good one all the more disappointing.MrT
- bazinga, MrTGnash
- totally mono. but wine into beer?bklyndroobeki
- dino's were fermenting MF'sbklyndroobeki
- Jesus' time wasn't that long ago. People were getting blitzed on beer for thousands and thousands of years before him.monospaced
- i saw graffiti'ed on a glass pane in the West Village this weekend "Jesus Drank Too", i cracked up.
Not just wine... though wine likely favorable.bklyndroobeki - hah! mono, i need 2 read up on the history of spirits.bklyndroobeki
- booze and humanity go hand in handmonospaced
- speaking of. q00b nyc needs a meetup, i will be there.bklyndroobeki
- Good idea.monospaced
- I'm going to guess that you will suggest meet up in Brooklyn.pango
- nah, pango meeting in the city is more convenient to folks in the metro area :) although if Brooklyn, I'd suggest the dive near the Bklyn Museumbklyndroobeki
- city pleasemonospaced
- early evidence of beer is a 3900-yr-old Sumerian poem honoring Ninkasi, the patron goddess of brewing, which contains the oldest surviving beer recipe.imbecile
- beer is easily 20,000+ years old, if not much, much, MUCH oldermonospaced
- well, fermented alcoholic drinks are, and where there was wheat/grain there was a form of beermonospaced
- [citation needed]imbecile
- Proverbs 20:1 "Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise." :)scransom5
- garbage0
Which is worse?
A: Taking a shit and realizing there's no toilet paper.
B: Taking a shower and realizing there's no towel in the bathroom.
C: Both.
- Hint: I just did a C.garbage
- D: Taking a shit in the shower?MrT
- A. Reason? You can always shower after taking a shit.********
- Air dry!pango
- Abklyndroobeki
- Depends. Is anyone else there to help?monospaced
- Shit in the shower and clean yourself in the shower.iCanHazQBN
- A leads to grossness. B may lead to a naked story. B for sure.inteliboy
- I'd take being nude over running around with a shit-ass looking for some toilet paper any day.monospaced
- Oh I went straight to the shower. Then froze my naked ass off trying to find a towel.garbage
- Ben99-2
- pinkfloyd-1
I try to sell a futon on craigslist, and the amount of flakes is amazing. I never want to deal with craigslist again. 8-10 people emailing me all weekend saying they want it only to flake out. Finally I give it away, and the person who's suppose to pick it up at 5:30 is stuck in traffic 4 miles away and it's 7:23pm. WTF
- A lot of the contacts are scamsHayoth
- These were real people. I can tell the scammers when they ask to reply to another email address or want to mail a check / money orderpinkfloyd
- I was taking measurements for these flakes, wasting my time answer their silly questionspinkfloyd
- can you have it tested for bed bugs? thanks. i'll pick it up at never o'clock for $10.iCanHazQBN
- utopian0
What happened to the Muslim of the Day thread?
- there was a muslim of the day?pango
- I don't know .Ask a muslim:…********
- mekk0
New Mac Pro (Trashcan) just arrived here at work. A fucking 6.000EUR computer that doesn't come with a mouse and keyboard.
- mekk0
And how to turn this fucking thing on, it has no power switch?!?!?
- you need a keyboard to turn it on.uan
- what a jokemekk
- they designed this thing while on shrooms.mekk
- was a joke ;-)
it's here:…uan - yeah, found it too, didnt see it bc ethernet was plugged in..mekk
- Assholes made it light up. Must be on shrooms to think you'd need to make the power button light up.monospaced
- "people can't find the button" "make it light up!" "yeah, people still can't find the button" "shieeet"inteliboy
- add a user's manual they said, you won't need to - people are smart enough to know where a power switch is, they said.face_melter
- lolmonospaced
- I can't even remember the last time I actually properly shut down a computer, laptop or desktop. Only on vacation or when I moved apartments really.monospaced
- Say Siri 3 times to turn it on.pango
- face_melter0
If we lived/worked in buildings built purely on the 3D models made by some of the architects I deal with we would all either be dead or freezing, or both.
- I try to avoid architects in my job, because they're generally fucking useless and I end up having to do all their homework for them.detritus
- ********9
Fuck off
- bklyndroobeki-6
I have a friend, soon to be former, whom every time we hang out (which is rarely) he asks me what I make an hour.
- just make up an absurd numbercbass99
- Every time? He must have bad memory. I'm surprised he remembers you.pango
- your friend has Alzheimer'sGnash
- yeah the standard thing to say around here is 150k plus some company benefits_niko
- just not something i'd ever ask someone.bklyndroobeki
- where is around here _niko?bklyndroobeki
- Detroit, obviously.********
- Is that really such a big deal? Either tell him or just tell him you don't want to say...********
- Tell him he is violating your safe space.********
- hey, what DO you make per hour?Gnash
- Not a big deal, but imagine someone asking you the same question over and over each time you hang outbklyndroobeki
- start to wonder what's he digging for.bklyndroobeki
- Tell him some below average figure, then say it's more than the pennies *he* makes wanking off tramps in train station toilets.face_melter
- jeeze face_melter, yah maybe i need to lighten up about it.bklyndroobeki
- People who ask about other's salary are are tedious. Like talking about house prices or their kids. Don't own either, don't give a flying fuck.face_melter
- So.... How much do you guys make?pango
- Maaku1
Yesterday we had our first couple's therapy session.
Since it was the first meeting I think we were holding back a little, at least I did.- Shiet...pango
- it's a start!scarabin
- good luckKrassy
- Stop that therapy. You love each other, keep on loving and wipe out the past. Future is bright.Ben99
- Ben. The goal of therapy isn't necerssary to stop loving each other.pango
- ididnt say soBen99
- The goal of couples therapy is to win. Each session is a match with the therapist the ref. Win that fucking match Maaku, win it!Gnash
- ^ obviously being facetious. if it's going to work you have to let go of 'winning' the session.Gnash
- be honest and open with yourself about what you 'really' want to accomplishGnash
- LOL Gnash. I can image him walking into the therapist office for the first time and saying straight up "I'm not here to make friends".********
- ^ lol. it's funny 'cause it's trueGnash