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- Last post
- 76,067 Responses
- pinkfloyd2
"Prescription painkillers are 'claiming more lives than heroin and cocaine', expert warns"
- moldero0
Quick Questine
I've noticed this behavior on 2 torrent sites, this is one of them:
Questine: if I click anywhere on that site (even if its not a link) ex: click the background, the site pops up a new tab for 2-ish seconds with only a little 5px .gif in it, then it closes.
the fuck is this shit? some kind of ad that my ad-blocker is blocking?
I'm on FF (OSX), I haven't tested it on chrome because I don't really care that much, I'm just curious.
- drgs0
Your google ad profile and what it knows about you:…- I'm into "Urban & Hip-Hop"HijoDMaite
- Athletic Shoes
Construction & Power Tools
Driving & Racing Games
Folk & Traditional Music
Pest Controldrgs - and no questions askeddrgs
- It thinks I'm 65...pango
- country music??********
- With Ads based on your interests off :(((sted
- Nothing! bailed from this, still reckon they store the data.mugwart
- ********0
Just called out two girls on "locker room talk" lol.
- wow, really coolmonospaced
- Is it?********
- nomonospaced
- Lol********
- but it happened.********
- shellie1
Forgot which tome zone I was in. Set meeting reminder for 3 hours too early. Fml i woke up stupid early to prepare.
- yurimon-8
blog entry# 10,400:
Feels good not engaging in the politrics thread. Dealing with the hate of Hill peeps is poison.
but funny, noticed something else from bumping into an old acquaintance few days before i quit. I kept quiet but he kept talking, he became a hills fan after bernie.
what i noticed is, he used to be anti conspiracy type, but knew about corruption was heavy into bernie for that reason. He was huge on how wikileaks was important to have a free open society.
changes to subject noted:
•Subject seems inflamed with a nervous condition.
•Subject has taken on conspiracy theory type ideas that russia is behind wikileaks and every attack on hill is fake, engineered.
•Noticed a reverse in ideological moral position without realizing, •Subject exhibits a blanket of delusional, unaware of himself
•When humbly asking about his old position, and faced with the hypocrisy, subject developed intense inner pressure, potentially explosive. but released it with a slight depressive sigh with slouching and walked away.I dont know what happened to him. so sad.
I tried to help but its too late.Have a great day, Hope everyone is doing well.
- You had a job??pango
- Are you sure it was not just a reaction to being with you?fadein11
- nope, but forgot to add one more thing. doesnt understand words are not actions. while down playing actual actions like assault.yurimon
- cool story brofadein11
- #magamonospaced
- #lockherupmonospaced
- #trump2016monospaced
- Remember when you were a nice boy fadein, before hills. not like mono he was always a problem child. but you were different. where is that nice boy?yurimon
- Remember when you cared and didnt like lairs, where is that caring boy?
https://s-media-cach…yurimon - no need to insult memonospaced
- *airhornmonospaced
- thanks for making my point mono. just couldn't help yourself. even though i left you alone.yurimon
- where you a caring person mono? or were you angry?yurimon
- I am still nice yuri, but tired of your boring, insulting, naive, condescending drivel, like most people here. Reign it in, contribute rather than lecture andfadein11
- who knows, nice fade may be back for you. But please stop using this place as some form of platform for your deranged behaviour. Post some creative shit, helpfadein11
- fellow members where you can. But please stop the preaching and/or new age hippy shit we have all seen and heard a million times.fadein11
- *airhorn #MAGA #LOCKHERUP #TRUMP2016monospaced
- smhyurimon
- Political stuff stays in political thread damn it!pango
- *airhorn #revolutionmonospaced
- its an experience post, im no longer posting in politics.yurimon
- but you're still posting about politicsmonospaced
- #MAGAmonospaced
- made up lie.sted
- https://i1082.photob…yurimon
- /endyurimon
- "a slight depressive sigh with slouching"monospaced
- remember when you thought wikileaks was great? lol. now its a conspiracy against hills lol. cant make this stuff up.yurimon
- *airhorn blast*
#LOCKHERUP!monospaced - i thought you quit smoking?yurimon
- #MAGAmonospaced
- https://media2.popsu…monospaced
- made up lie to bring out people from the politics thread.sted
- Funny how hill supporters are all of a sudden conspiracy theorist, believing in any scenario that fits their world view of <-H.yurimon
- #LOCKHERUP #deplorableandproud #maga ***airhorn blasts*** #trump2016 #revolucionmonospaced
- *airhorn* #grabherpussy *airhorn*monospaced
- keep politics in the politics thread trollimonmoldero
- which Hillary supporter are you referring to?
and ya keep it in the political thread. moron.pango - yep, you still don't understand that many people disliking Trump does not make them Hillary supporters. And yep - keep this shit in politics.fadein11
- mono... MONO! Stop fucking replying.face_melter
- *airhorn* #magamonospaced
- this a blog experience, im no longer involved with the thread. thats it. you keep replying. nuff said.yurimon
- politics thread is low level, why would i want to hang around low level conspiracy theorist that youve become. nuff said.yurimon
- ***airhorn***monospaced
- #LOCKHERUPmonospaced
- ^not an argument, and stupid. typical merican hillbilly response.yurimon
- #maga #deplorableandproud *airhorn*monospaced
- #revolucionmonospaced
- hills people really become pathetic. so sad. political equivalent of you,…yurimon
- #LOCKHERUPmonospaced
- called it ... you didn't even last 48 hours away ... "couldn't help yourself." I guess you were just lying, as usualmonospaced
- face_melter2
Went kayaking again today, this time at 7am before work. Shit was magic - tried a proper surf ski this time and the difference was like night and day from the tugboat I used previously - lighter, responsive controls, fast and neat through the water, and way less effort to propel yourself. No issues with stability either, given you are sitting in the water in what is essentially a fibreglass ironing board - my friend (who is a member of the club) said she was quite impressed - especially when we had to pause to let a large boat go past and it kicked up large waves.
face_melter kayaking machine = zero defects!
Just a shame that winter is coming and the time available to go out is getting progressively tighter.
- I envy anybody who does stuff before work. Even eat breakfast.HAYZ1LLLA
- ^ +1Gnash
- Asshole.detritus
- Not my fault you live in a stinking shithole :Dface_melter
- ********-2
a big meteor just crashed into the planet. Inside was filled with so much gold, everyone in the world can sit back and retire.
- watscarabin
- There's already enough gold/wealth in the world for everyone to sit back and retire. The volume isn't the issue...********
- it will also be distributed evenly to all the people.********
- tomorrow everyone's checking account will read $1 million dollars********
- news of the day thread please.sarahfailin
- the first trillionaire will an asteroid minerGnash
- That would just devalue gold.i_monk
- how about i trade you that gold in equal notes of paper and coin, and put all the gold in a locked box.********
- Tell us more set, you have the answers********
- Ah ridicule, the outlet of insecurity.********
- just said that resources aren't the issue in the planet, the distribution of it is the problem. What's your problem chappy?********
- wow - really? there are enough resources for everyone on the planet but they are not distributed fairly? wow - mind blown.fadein11
- https://media.giphy.…fadein11
- Relentless moron********
- i_monk1
Just as I'm looking into setting up a home wifi mesh network, Google announces Google Wifi. But I can't help assuming they'll snoop and mine the data.
- Mesh is going to be YYyuge soon.detritus
- Google already knows how often you masturbate.DRIFTMONKEY
- ********5
- i wonder this actually meansGnash
- "Stop the bickering"********
- pay to playyurimon
- what does that mean, yuri, pay to play?monospaced
- whos yuri?yurimon
- And here we go.********
- lol yuriIRNlun6
- Peripheral jizz attack********
- autoflavour3
- Nice - I like these. We looked at leasing one not so long ago. Still on the cards.fadein11
- You in Oz for good now?detritus
- yep.. berlin is vorbei..autoflavour
- Looks tidy. Wanted an R model but very rare 2nd hand. Ended up getting a nicely specced BMW X1microkorg
- ********0
I'm sitting here at the computer, drinking coffee and looking at stuff online but I know I am not awake.
- pinkfloyd0
Learn any of these 16 programming languages and you'll always have a job
- Learn how to program, and the language won't matter nearly as much.section_014
- You won't believe what happens next.********
- dat pic, "when your program language tells you a joke."yurimon
- 16 Weird Languages that drive Employers Crazy!!garbage
- what is that shit? No one should have to learn C! and where is C++?mugwart
- Bennn2
- Ho!********
- i dont visit QBN often lately. So much work.Bennn
- samebklyndroobeki
- Ho!
- pinkfloyd-2
Critical internet haters must really hate themselves to be so critical and hateful.
- when I first read this I thought you meant 'Criitical' in a Jacques Derrida kinda way.Gnash
- Hehe.
Gnash taking it to the next level.******** - Cliterallypango
- Weren't you just last night visiting another forum where you limply slagged everyone off, for absolutely no reason whatsoever?detritus
- You're an odd beast, pinkfl.detritus
- detritus loves mepinkfloyd
- Like you were a simple younger cousin with moderate emotional problems, yes.detritus
- Does my post hit you hard?pinkfloyd
- @Gnash, sweet!pinkfloyd
- For some reason detritus seems to hate on everything, and the forum is his outlet for his miserable being with laserspinkfloyd
- hating on hatersmonospaced
- It's not hating, it's pointing something outpinkfloyd
- Maybe that's how you read itpinkfloyd
- well, maybe those haters are just being critical and pointing things out too, and you're just reading them as haters ;)monospaced
- nah, the comments were pretty directpinkfloyd
- ::hugs::pinkfloyd
- I hate everyone. So there!pango
- well, I wasn't there so I really have no fucking idea what i'm talking about anywaymonospaced
- Detritus is one of about 3 people on here worth listening to. He talks sense. (like the other 2).fadein11
- I would say only 3 people on here have even heard of Derrida lolfadein11
- make that 4, derrida from dreamless?pinkfloyd
- So fadein11 is biased towards detritus.pinkfloyd
- I enjoy his posts - he is like set but less bitter and with brains so yes he can stay.fadein11
Web design is fucking dead! Every single site created in the last 18months looks like this http://www.eventtechnologyawards…
It's so common place, clients now send me fully fucking designed mockups of how they want their website that they've done in powerpoint. Because its so simple and uniform these days.
- I feel you. Just think of it as a high paid production design job, lol.Maaku
- then move into graphic design insteadmonospaced
- it's much more rewarding designing the look & feel of a campaign or brand, and only having to art direct minor elements like websites and suchmonospaced
- The more challenging work is not in webdesign unless its a tech startup..yurimon
- "minor elements like websites" - hmmmmfadein11
- yuriknows #6545635
isn't dead, and this site has no design just stuff thrown together.
you made only landing pages in the past 1.5 year? It can be frustrating.sted - Sorry, emotionally scorned qbner#50yurimon
- @fadein, yeah, minor in the sense that a website is just one deliverable of many ... bad choice of word I supposemonospaced
- retard #1fadein11
- that was directed at yuritard by the wayfadein11
- Leave the whining for Monday. it's Friday, you get to chill :)Maaku
- ic, fadein butthurt of the day. wants revenge. if you actually work in product dev for certain start ups, you will understand what i'm saying.yurimon
- product dev for startups? ah - so you are who I thought you were. I knew it ;)fadein11
- if you work for mid size to small businesses to knock out sites its a diff beast.yurimon
- I own coffee truck outside the building.yurimon
- you own a gaming PC and a big box of tissues... ping! your TV dinner is ready, better go eat.fadein11
- how long does it take for your butt to heal snowflake?yurimon
- night georges.fadein11
- what's the alternative? imagine drop shadows on everything...bklyndroobeki
- said the architect for the last 50 yrs. Your problem is your clients.Mattjanz3n
- Bring back flash ;-)mugwart
- damnit, he's just insulting people and making shit up still, wtf?monospaced
- stoplying2
Reading my first Haruki Murakami book. From the first page I was in all the way.
Such a good writer.- which one? I love his style and mind ... so poetic and so dreamlike ... Kafka on the Shore was my favoritemonospaced
- just finished Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. very goodbrandelec
- I started with "A Wild Sheep Chase" based on a site I stumbled across. Always heard really good things about him.stoplying
- Wind Up Bird Chronicle is a great one too. I highly recommend it.monospaced
- I always think of Norwegian wood. The guy gets in your head. He's a genius.mugwart
- pango8
Power out at the office.
Power out at the traffic light.
Power out at the restaurant.FUN!!!!!
=_=- quick! check infowars - it may be an EMP attackfadein11
- infowars lol @ yuriutopian
- Nahhh it's only few blocks.
2 storms doing 69 on my city.pango - Pango, you might be able to control electricity and you... . . .Maaku
- you can post to qbn so everything is alright.sted
- What was maku trying to say? WHAT WAS HE TRYING TO SAY?!!!
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!…pango - lolmoldero
- Pango, I thought this was the start of a song or rap.microkorg
- Lol it could be.pango
- reminds me of the apocalyptic ny blackout of 2003 that lasted for 1 day. good times********
- yurimon-12
Any advice, or anything different in process of job seeking or interviewing in canada one can expect different from the states.
appreciate any good advice.
Thanks- You must be able to conduct the interview fluently in English and French and sign language.i_monk
- put QBN experience as a section on your resume like you proposed earlier ... that will certainly helpmonospaced
- Dude. Don't. I don't think we have enough electricity for you.pango
- 12 Years a Bum
it's about damn time yuri!moldero - it was funny few 10 times but the joke is stale.yurimon
- nope still funnymonospaced
- Where in Canada are you moving to Yuri?Mattjanz3n