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  • mekk1

    Continuity, you're in Munich right? Do you have any Front end Dev skills or experience with Typo3 and Magento?

  • mugwart7

    Narcissistic ex wife is kicking off again. She's fucked up the rent and I'm now left to panic if she will just take my kid back to Japan.

    "Narcissism the only illness that leaves others requiring treatment"

    • Is she Japanese?M01XXX
    • Fock-ah-you WHALEEE and fock-ah you WIIFEEEEEE…mekk
    • damnGnash
    • yeah she's japanese. She's playing the abusive ex husband to my kids school - even though I divorced her for abuse.mugwart
    • he's always used men to pay her ways - now at 46 she's not enjoying it. Worried to shit about my son.mugwart
    • And this... is... why... I will never marry.M01XXX
    • Because you think all women are the same?detritus
    • Why did you marry a narcissist?docpoz
    • narcissists are expert manipulators. you won't know they are until it's too late.Gnash
    • Just don't see a point in marriage. It's BS construct by religion/ society. Women like it I guess.M01XXX
    • as Gnash said. It was revealed way to late.
      Marriage is incredible with a incredible person. Hell if not.
    • ^ exactly. my ex had a narcissistic personality disorder. when they're on your side it's awesome. pure hell, otherwiseGnash
    • and the damage they can do to their kids is powerfulGnash
    • Its horrific isn't it. I'm working on trying to get to the level I can look after my kid full time.mugwart
    • Marriage is for dummies mostly. 50%+ of marriages end in divorce. The statistics don't lie.M01XXX
    • true ^. married or not, life with a narcissist always turns cancerous.Gnash
    • What did you ever see in her?docpoz
    • A nice kind Japanese lady that wasn't like my narcissistic mother! Oh the irony!mugwart
    • She's 46!, its not pretty when narcissist hit the wall...robotron3k
    • Hey if marriage is about surviving the hard times then you have quite the challenge ahead of you. Good luck.docpoz
    • ^ yup. their assets diminish exponentially by thenGnash
    • Couldnt stay away, could you since1979/docpoz?detritus
    • Come to Vancouver already. Life might not be easier but it's away from her.
      Also you should join my community. Lol
    • Yeah if it's toxic create some space between you. Cough.docpoz
    • shes 11 years older than me. I met here when I like 22-23mugwart
    • fuck yeah pango! I'm down with that!mugwart
    • docp - its about love. Marriage and/or relationships are incredible when they work.mugwart
    • Mugwart, she can't take your kid out of the country without your consent. Gnash & Robo - ffs. Don't be so sexist and ageist. Everyone gets old - even designers.Melanie
    • ^ narcissists (diagnosed ones, that is) are in there own special category. when their self perceived attributes crumble they become even more dangerous.Gnash
    • @detritus
      Luke Logan is Luke Logan. Docp is docp. R u good?
    • ^ for some it may be their looks, for others their power. others still their social status. For the one I know, it happened to be her looks.Gnash
    • when that unravelled, so did her world view and she wreaked havoc on those whose lives revolved too close.Gnash
    • so it's not about age, or gender directly. it's about a psychological pathology.Gnash
    • https://afternarciss…Gnash
    • read up before you judgeGnash
    • 11 years? O_O that' was a trap!pango
    • how old is your son?sothere
    • Do you live near them?notype
    • Melanie, narcissist become worse with age, as their looks/sexuality & manipulative powers lessons. NPD used to be called multiple personality disorder.robotron3k
    • Mug I hope you're able to talk to someone about this, IMO it would be important to get things off your chest...robotron3k
    • Hey man sorry to hear about this. Is there someone that could act as a third party?eryx
    • Thanks for messages, robot, my gf is kick arse and Stella logic so if the attacks are too much I have support. Can't afford therapy though.mugwart
    • She was very attractive but it wasn't looks, in hindsight I was badly emotional abused kid that was seeking escape from my folks. Feel into the cliché trap.mugwart
    • For those that have never experienced narcassim they have no grasp on the psychological terror it can inflict on peoples lives.mugwart
    • also notype - I'm in the next London postcode from them but in reality its a 40 min bus and walk journey. GotaLoveSouthLondonmugwart
    • Good luck mug glad you have your gf for support. I lived with a narcissist for 8 years. Nice when good, but when bad, it destroyed me psychologically.sea_sea
    • ^ yup. they're awesome when they're on your side.Gnash
    • ^^ 8 years. I was 10. Drives you insane. I left cause she started to blame me on hitting me... so she was trying to pin the attacks on me the one getting hit...mugwart
    • I still find the "switch" of characters really mentally hard to deal with it. Leaves me questioning if it was me. hey ho.mugwart
    • oh man mug, i felt the same. he started getting violent when i brought up any issue he was against. would make me wonder if it was my fault after it was over.sea_sea
    • even tho he clearly cheated on me, i was left doubting it every time, like i was making it up. it was horrifying how i was manipulated now looking back at it.sea_sea
    • Of course you allowed yourself to be manipulated, you loved him. You were open and he took advantage which is deceitful and that is painful to know.docpoz
    • ( or must be painful to realize )docpoz
    • @doc - not so black and white as that. Its like a puppet manipulator, they steer thoughts & really deceive your perception of reality.mugwart
    • @sea - thats terrible what he did to you. Violence is the worst. Mine changed when drinking. The abuse that would come out that that tone of voice.mugwart
    • If your talking got near to their "plan" the shit you had to deal with. I had to leave as she started to projector her violence onto me as the attacker.mugwart
    • Hope your happy now.mugwart
    • https://media1.tenor…notype
    • crazy how hurt people can cause a wrath if they can't clean up their own mess. dealt with one fairly recently - difficult to recover but left after the signs.notype
    • Wait... Don't you have a restraining order on her?pango
    • ^ that was nearly my old land lord... shit I used to attract them. I used to believe I was the one that was the cause until I discovered the Empath theorymugwart
    • sorry to here notype. Nothing is more fucked up. Need a QBN recovery centre!mugwart
    • Thx mug definitely in a good place now. takes time to work through all the hurt and make sense of things. Hope she finds something or someone else to focus on.sea_sea
  • drgs0

    I saw picture of Beyonce and now I can't get single ladies tune out of my head


    • are your hands up?kona
    • She's the greatest female vocalist since Tina Turnerdocpoz
    • ...and that old dude Jay-Z is lucky she married him.docpoz
  • DaveO0

    Tax day tomorrow – A surprise $27k bill for me and my wife and we were both in full time employment last year! Life is sweet! America I'll never understand your tax system.

    • 27K? I thought rich people didn't pay taxes.Maaku
    • jk, why so much?Maaku
    • Wrong witholding! Plus we are paying taxes for a nanny... being a grownup is a trap, don't do it.DaveO
    • what in the.....are you claiming 62 each or something? hopefully you get it dialed this year, we are already 1/4 of the way throughcapn_ron
    • screwing up the withholding is brutal!Gnash
    • all year you know you're getting a refund, then BOOM! hurtsGnash
    • Pay a pro, get it done rightrobotron3k
    • They are earning more, that's why the get their taxes backdrgs
    • Seriously thats insane. You need a new tax person.ArmandoEstrada
    • Withholdings are set through employer payroll. Not a tax guy.monospaced
    • I was on the wrong witholding all last year, and my wife earns in PA and NY, so we fucked that up too. Both brits, no idea about this system at all!DaveO
    • Time to start your own business, Inc./LLC, buy some things for your business, lose a bit of investment, maybe make $$$$, get write off, pay less taxes...robotron3k
    • It's kinda messed up in USA, you can actually lose money make money at the same time...robotron3k
  • Gnash0

    must be someone can toss continuity a bitcoin! dude, if I had it, it'd be yours. hang in there.

    • for what it's worth, many are on the razers edge of being in your place.Gnash
    • Utopian has 100 bitcoinsdrgs
    • Cheers, for the thought, Gnash, much appreciated!Continuity
  • DaveO0

    It's fine. We have it. We're doing well. Just a fucker because... well, we don't want t give it to them. Eitehr way it was never ours in the first place

  • DarkCover12

    Howdy, long time lurker infrequent poster but around now and again since 2003 when I was in art school.

    Watched a lot change, trolls come and go, PSB’s from the old when there were prizes to current and hilarious SET works.

    Seen a number of posts in the ‘blog’ and wanted to respond but decided posting with a little more anominity was maybe best as many of the posts hit me personally and while I wanted to share the user name I created so many years back leads right to me.

    The posts about creative misfunction, working with idiots, , the pain of looking for new gigs as a high level creative, depression, issues with family and more have been things I wanted to reply to but felt I couldn’t.

    Cheers QBN peeps for the often needed entertainment, voices of similar feelings and regular creative fun.

  • Continuity14

    So, a bit of a victory today, albeit a Pyrrhic one.

    The fine folks at social services told me not to shift from my flat, come 26 April. According to them, what happens after that is that the landlords need to file for eviction in court, and the court date usually takes months. After that, by law, once the eviction order has been given by the court, I still have a two-month grace period during which I can pay back the rent arrears fully, which would invalidate the eviction order.

    So there we have it. It's neither an elegant, nor a particularly honourable solution, even though the law is sort of on my side. And it will absolutely make me feel like a complete shit-heel for taking advantage of it. But, frankly, I'm not at all keen to live under a bridge, no matter how handsome the bridges over the Isar River actually are.

    Now, I need to focus on getting a job as soon as I can, so that I can finally sort this ugly situation once and for all, and finally get my life and career back, and not have this shame/guilt/embarrassment toxic soup sloshing around in my head.

    Thanks for all of your support, QBNers. You're all lovely people!

    • hurrah for german efficiency und process!hans_glib
    • That's great news, some breathing space you needed. Sounds similar to UK law. All the best.fadein11
    • Nice one. a bit of time and a plan is a great startFax_Benson
    • Yes try to get any job possible. Don't focus on the CD role only anymore. Try to get some loan from a private person if you can too.M01XXX
    • Good luck mate.BusterBoy
    • is your flat from one of the big companies in munich like Patrizia?mekk
    • Nah, a Pyrrhic victory would be you burning the flat down, somewhat a la Janne.

    • Janne burnt his flat down? This is a story I've not heard ...Continuity
    • @mekk: nah, it's a private landlord.Continuity
    • 'somewhat', 'burning sheds', 'poor joke'detritus
    • What is it you do, exactly? I'm always looking for freelancers, might have something...ben_
    • Whole advertising industry is in a slump right now:… So try to find away to work away from that. Perhaps retrain? Good luck.shapesalad
    • ^ sorry link didn't work,…shapesalad
    • @ben_: unfortunately, I can't freelance on my current residence permit, not even remotely, because it's contingent on me earning from a full time job.Continuity
    • Great news, was concerned.mugwart
    • Cheers, mugwart. Though the coming weeks and months will still be unpleasant and uncomfortable: the landlords live in the flat above mine.Continuity
    • But, one thing at a time, yeah?Continuity
    • Have you offered to 'lend a hand' to your landlords, if they have stuff 'needing doing'? In lieu of cash, so techincally not paid 'freelance work'?detritus
    • what det said, not a bad idea mate... and looks good, this extra time, a breath for you, get a plan as soon as you can... all the best!OBBTKN
    • good news!renderedred
    • definitely good news dude. is there anyway of getting around the full-time work thing? like maybe getting a full-time service job, but...exador1
    • canvasing on here and other sources for 'cash' design work?exador1
    • not saying 'don't look for fulltime design work' but it seems as though you're in a jam, and any full-time is good when you need it.exador1
    • like, get a fulltime gig at a store, or somewhere, and in the meantime keep up with freelance work in cash or something, and keep applying for fulltime design..exador1
    • i guess the problem for me is not quite understanding the jam you're in... is moving back in with your folks or something totally out of the question?...exador1
    • you know...just til you're back on your feet?exador1
    • although i get the feeling you're in a foreign city...(not sure about that though)exador1
    • yeah the Tennant is king in Germany.. we had people in the last house we lived in that were there for almost a year with out paying rent before they were outautoflavour
    • @continuity - ah that's too bad. If the situation on that changes for whatever reason, shoot me an email.ben_
  • Wolfboy1

    Remember on the Simpsons when Homer went to a sci-fi convention and rescued Luke Skywalker from a crowd of angry nerds and because of that he became Mayor Quimby's bodyguard. And remember at the end, despite Homer's best efforts Fat Tony still tried to kill Quimby with a baseball bat. And remember Homer's reaction to that? Remember the disappointment in his voice?

    Well that's the voice in my head when ever I see Morrissey has done another interview.

    "Oh Morrissey"
    "What, what did I say?"

    • i'll never stop listening to the smithsGnash
    • Indeed. My current mantra is "Separate the art from the man... separate the art from the man... separate the art from the man..."Wolfboy
    • The trick is realizing that Morrissey has always sucked. God, what a bore.garbage
  • pockets1

    filed a tax extension because im do damn lazy to do my taxes

  • shapesalad5

    I think we all need to realise how lucky we are:…

    • I don't think we need to compare our lives to that of another though... to feel grateful.notype
    • it's true, there's hope for some of you yetscarabin
    • ;)scarabin
    • Put him to sleepdrgs
  • autoflavour7

    LOL. got a spam hoax email today telling me they put malware on my laptop and have a video of me rubbing one out..
    had me going for a bit.. as being a male with an internet connection, its likely that has happened.

    I aint paying shit

    I guess we find out in 32 hours ..

    • march forward and publish a video of you stroking it yourselfmekk
    • < Fuck that, do it live!garbage
    • Black Mirrorstoplying
    • But really, just forward to re:scam.…
    • ^ wow, that's really cool, but they don't see keen to give you the re scam email addressshapesalad
    • Yeah, and it appears they're not operational at the moment.garbage
  • freedom0

    Slow day at work and no one lets me go home.

    • what do you do for a living?utopian
    • it sucks when the barricade the doorGnash
  • freedom4

    My coworkers are ok. I don't want to hang out with them.

    • Did your Jaundice clear up?
      How did you make out?
      Anything new?
  • freedom0

    How much refund $$ did you get on your taxes?

  • Continuity3

    Despite yesterday's 'good' news, I still feel like the worst sort of human being imaginable today because I let this spiral out of control, and because I can't solve the problem immediately. Vulnerable and ashamed.

    Sorry for dumping my off-QBN drama on you guys like this. Guess I've just got no-one else I can talk to about this.

    • Honestly - and this may sound perverse - it's good knowing I'm not the only one having a shit time of things, so thanks for spilling your heart. Good luck!detritus
    • 'Good for me' :)detritus
    • Thanks ... to you as well ... :\Continuity
    • Continuity, everyone has their low points. You just don't hear about it. I surely have. This is your wake up call. You can plush through.shellie
    • Open up your job options and you'll be fine. You can look for that big CD job while you get above water.shellie
    • Same. It's so easy to think we're unique in our struggles. I'm terrible at doing this, but, you need to be positive about yourself and not take thatFax_Benson
    • disappointment with yourself into your job searchFax_Benson
    • What fax said! Feeling down about yourself mighty be a huge part of the problem.shellie
    • Unfortunately, feeling down about myself is justified. I caused this situation to happen. I'd had plenty of opportunities to prevent it. But my pride got me.Continuity
    • And now I really am in the shit. Especially knowing I'll be on the hook for court costs, etc, if it gets that far.Continuity
    • I've had the lowest, saddest few months of my life, if that makes you feel any better :)
      Probably not.
    • With that comes lots of opportunity for growth and learning about oneself, at least.set
    • Sounds obvious but how come you couldn't have just got a shitty average job to keep you going? Not really any of my business but...set
    • Ashamed as I am to admit, set: good old fashioned stubborn pride, and some weird fear that if I did that, I'd never get back into advertising again.Continuity
    • Unfortunately, I had my awakening too late, and I'm going to pay dearly for it.Continuity
    • My partner's just taken a job at an Ad Agency after 5 months of not getting her usual roles. Thing is - I think it's a great job, haha. Can't tell her that thodetritus
    • ..she's doing the same sort of thing she usually does, just not in the usual milieu. Better money too. And less assholes, or at least differently-flavoure...detritus
    • Just spoke to my landlady: she's agreed to call off the dogs for a month, after I showed her my job-hunting progress and the appointment for social assistance.Continuity
    • I'm going to do my fucking damnedest to get this debt cleared in 30 days.Continuity
    • People hounding you over money can be the most stressful thing but at the end of the day it's just still (I'm hoping) have your health.yuekit
    • Well, my psoriasis is flaring up on just about every part of my body, and I really need to see a dentist but, yeah, I'm more or less healthy.Continuity
    • Psoriasis is obviously stress related, but that's because stress makes the body acidic...set
    • Eat lots of green vegetables and drink a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a pint of water once a day and cut out coke and pizza :)set
    • My sister totally cured her psoriasis by balancing her ph levelsset
    • Hmm, I've never heard the bicarbonate trick before, I'll have to give this a go. Beats those damned steroid ointments.Continuity
    • External treatments are just typical modern medicine's approach of trying to treat the symptom not the cause..set
    • Might help for a bit but the real question is why is your body doing that in the first place. Rubbing something on it from the outside is nonsense.set
    • ... but of course can understand why people feel the need to try it.set
    • Just googled psoriasis and bicarb, big surprise it's all suggestions of applying it externally. Fuck that, drink it, and cut out acidic food and drink!set
    • How anyone still drinks coke or similar stuff on a daily basis in 2018 with access to the internet is beyond the wit of manset
    • If you are owed money, the worst thing is a creditor who won't answer calls. Keep your landlady updated with how you are trying to get sorted, daily if neccessacomicsans
    • And deliver! Under promise and over deliver. Say "I can get you €150 by Friday", then give her €200.comicsans
    • What kind of opportunity you are looking for man? And where are you based right now? I know for CD is a bit tricky, but what else could be on your options?Fabricio
    • Vent away. I think it's a sign of a healthy community. Really glad things seem to be on the up.mugwart
    • Don't be ashamed, you did what you thought was right at the time. It's totally ok. Now you have a different situation and goals to meet. And are wiser.shapesalad
    • Yep and no apologies. If this place can offer some (distant) support for someone having a rough time, that’s a good thing. Wishing you well xMrT
    • You're all fantastic, truly. Thank you, it means a lot to be able to talk about this.Continuity
  • M01XXX-6

    It's insane how some get triggered by anything. Seems politics is a touchy subject on QBN. I'm a centrist-left/ liberal and it seems as long as you say "fuck Trump" it's all ok but if you post anything slightly criticising SJW's or some conservative views you might agree with it's no bueno.

    • I've mostly checked out of the politics thread. It's simply too toxic, after a while.

      Kind of like reading YouTube vid comments.
    • Ok, I've checked out from *opining* as much in the politics thread, I should say.Continuity
    • Not that anyone cares but I'm probably done on this site. face_melter should be happy.M01XXX
    • Err, you just got here.Continuity
    • Tell me about it, I've been called every name in the book by the British bastards around here but it's hard to get angry because their accents are cute afrobotron3k
    • that's because conservative views are offensive to rational peoplemonospaced
    • also, fuck Trump, because he is an awful excuse for a leader, and an even more awful excuse for a decent human; anyone who supports trump deserves ridiculemonospaced
    • Like religion, it's personal, nobody cares what you think, and it divides people. Stay away from it.Maaku
    • good luck finding an internet forum where politics isn't a touchy subject.Fax_Benson
    • You think people are triggered here now!?!, Just he gets re-elected in 2020... #magarobotron3k
    • Only dumbfucks measure a presidents success by how pissed off Americans are by how shitty he is as a human. #magamonospaced
    • It's one thing being annoyed by Trump (which I'm often too) and another being triggered by everything like any typical SJW's.M01XXX
    • you mean, exactly like how you're triggered right now to the point where you post comments like this one?monospaced
    • Why would I be triggered? You are triggered!M01XXX
    • Honesty. Identity politics is a diseaseHayoth
    • ^ not so much a disease, just a plain old psychological disorderGnash
    • I didn't write this post, whining like a little child .. that was all you little fragile buddymonospaced
    • Why did you come here to discuss politics?zarkonite
    • he's not discussing shit. he comes on finds a thread, figures out 'whats going to wind these people up?' finds something shitty on youtube and posts it.kingsteven
    • no problem with the lad if he actually wants to contribute... no evidence of him being a designer, doesn't seem like much of a critical thinker.kingsteven
    • until then, downvotes.kingsteven
    • just as a rule of thumb...anyone using terms like 'snowflake', or SJW is someone that's looking for a fight... honestly hate those terms....they're ridiculous.exador1
  • M01XXX-9

    Why is everyone so stuck up with no humor on this site? Cheer up, mates.

    • #triggeredmonospaced
    • Why they always triggered, geez.M01XXX
    • lolM01XXX
    • Perhaps it's because we all believe you to be one of 2 kicked out people (omg or 1979 or both) and they're all just not having your - obvious - shtickkona
    • No I'm not one of those, why would I be? Why would you assume somebody new here was an existing user? QBN can compare emails/ IP's. Not me.M01XXX
    • same M.O. you participate only in the same threads/topics. your writing style. going out of your way to prove you're new "oh hey guys i'm totally new here..."kona
    • "... what's this place all about?!?"
      *heaving blinking and awkward smile*
    • your aversion to the same people whom you disliked before. stuff like that. but what do I know, I've only been here for like 15 damn years.kona
    • I hate when people assume things and it's not true. Show proof I'm one of those users or STFU.M01XXX
    • Hahahhaha. Suck it up snowflake.face_melter
    • Ok. You can prove you're not by telling us - in a short paragraph - your thoughts on Donald Trump and Ben Garrison.
      Actually. I don't care.
    • Check my posts in Trump section or WW3 section. Do I sound like a fking Trump lover?M01XXX
    • Some fairies on here get triggered by anything, see face_melter.M01XXX
    • LILY
    • SNOWmonospaced
    • FLAKEmonospaced
    • FAIRYmonospaced
    • ISmonospaced
    • TRIGGEREDmonospaced
    • if we're not receptive to your "humor" you're welcome to leave. maybe 4chan suits you better.dorf
    • I'm going to engage in your banter with a Not Joke: "Posting Backstreet Boys in the Listening to thread was a stroke of comedic genius. Not!". I feel so alive.detritus
    • just shitty dad humorkingsteven
  • M01XXX17

    Ok I'm leaving QBN. I was never given a chance. From the start people here accused me of being some other users.

    Since I posted some videos by PJW that I found interesting and agreed with I'm just getting downvotes. God forbid you post some different views/ opinions even if left-leaning (which I am). Seems some people are really so deep in their comfort zone and echo-chamber they can't accept any other views on certain topics. Or at least discuss in a constructive manner without calling names.

    It's a waste of time to argue and I don't want to stir more shit up here.

    Wish you all the best, take care.

    • It is slightly depressing that anyone with a dissenting view either leaves or is banned or assumed to be a ghost-troll.Fax_Benson
    • Are you still going to the QBN Drinks in NYC?Maaku
    • Don't tell him, Pike.Fax_Benson
    • just don’t call the police okay?monospaced
    • oh, c'mon, qbn to harsh for you?renderedred
    • See you later since1979utopian
    • I certified since1979. This guy is not Since1979. Seems like a copycat troll for some reason.docpoz
    • What's PJW? Just so we can understand if the downvote was justified or not.yuekit
    • His only post that was upvoted...the irony.utopian
    • @yuekit, Paul Joseph Watson, employed by Alex Jones lol.fadein11
    • PJW is an alt right conspiracy theorist. Really surprised people don’t react positively to a man who makes a career of being a total asshole?monospaced
    • you're taking it too personally, M10. anytime anyone posts something even remotely anti-woke they get the DV. it's amusingGnash
    • That's exactly what since1979 used to day. See you later new since1979.…
    • day=say

    • I don't know who you are man, but if you think this is too harsh, can't imagine how would you feel if you open your door to go outside...Miguex
    • I don't believe he's either OMG, or 1979.Gnash
    • and PJW is not someone to use to inspire dialogue. he's just too extreme to warrant referencing and expect any positive reflectionGnash
    • M01XXX is not since1979, he's absolutely welcome here, and some of you need to tone down the conspiracies.Moderator
    • nobody told him he's not welcome, he is just whining about downvotes which aren't even personalmonospaced
    • he's being labelled a right-wing troll, when he's not. that's kinda personal.Gnash
    • I totally missed where that happenedmonospaced
    • Not limited to QBNdrgs
    • He agreed with me on something and the QBN attackers came out: mono, fax, fade, render, kona, face, gnash, dorf, phan lo, a little kabal right there...robotron3k
    • I should include Ram in there but he actually posts good stuff occasionally...robotron3k
    • although I didn't join in, I'll agree with you here, robo. That said, you do often start it by being a total plonker.Fax_Benson
    • I didn't attack him.monospaced
    • If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch. What's up with all of the rage-quits this year?garbage
    • this is what happens when one person creates multiple accounts, creates drama, then leaves only to come right back as another account.kona
    • https://media0.giphy…whatthefunk
    • every new person is going to be met with hesitation. they've effectively ruined any trust this place once had.kona
    • USA side of QBN seems less nice than the world / EU side. Just an observation.shapesalad
    • You know you don't HAVE to talk about politics? It's really just a side-bar topic for this site...zarkonite
    • May I suggest chick of the day or, you know, something related to design?zarkonite
    • robosnitch®organicgrid
    • Is this happening because someone disagree with him?pango
    • He posted a video, then mono & co. attack him, think he's since 1979, hposts again, they follow, you know, normal shite here, but turns out he's a new guy. Doh!robotron3k
    • Gotta try harder organic, I've been called every name in the book by the QBN attack squad... Looks like you're a new member.robotron3k
    • @robo. Show me any evidence of me commenting on his posts. Go on let's see it. I haven't commented on it all until this evefadein11
    • To explain who PJW is.fadein11
    • robo, you a snitch now? what is this "kabal" you're talking about?renderedred
    • okthxbye.sted
    • what's happening here?capn_ron
    • geez what did you tell you guys!
      stop disagreeing with people!
    • stfu robo, I didn't attack him, I didn't even see the video he posted, ffs ... stop making shit upmonospaced
    • @capn I think we're all dicks or something? Not sure.garbage
    • awesome! i like hanging out with all you dicks.capn_ron
    • Announcing your exit is proof you don't belong here.DRIFTMONKEY
    • *upvote* hey guys, what's happening here? qbn harshness? lol, try posting a new logo you've made, then we'll talk about harsh hahahafeel
    • @feel exactly!renderedred
    • seriouslymonospaced
    • Who the fuck is this guy?set
    • no idea.inteliboy
    • I think we need a stress test for new guys before they see political threads.pango
    • who?oey
    • Agree pango, some areas on qbn are "No Go Zones"robotron3k
    • Why you trying to trigger me man? Not cool bro.pango
    • @pango he's trying to trigger many people like the pointless troll he isfadein11
    • Who the fook* (Mcgregor's voice)Maaku
    • omg v2LMFAO
  • utopian8

    • noooo!renderedred
    • Another one, running off the new people, how f'd up is that...robotron3k
    • He ran out himself, stop being an enabler. I'm indifferent to M01XXX'S posts.utopian
    • i even talked to since and tried to make him change his mind and not leave. wtf you you talking about robo? i commented maybe twice jokingly on M01 posts...renderedred
    • This is why everybody should be certified by sofas.soundofreason
    • ^LOLrenderedred
    • What if I told you...robo is a trollutopian
    • he's a troll, you're rightrenderedred