Coachella : Radiohead & The Pixies!!!!

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  • ecnalab

    Greatest Day Ever:

    Quoting from the December issue of Urb...
    "Earlier that day, a phone call from the fine folks over at the Coachella
    Festival confirms that Radiohead will be headling the first night of the
    2004 festivities..."

    "The same call also revealed that the Pixies would be reforming to play
    right before Yorke & company take the stage. When Yorke finally makes his
    way into the post-show fray, I confront him about the Coachella gig. He's
    happy to finally be on the bill, but is visibly affected when informed of
    the Pixies' reunion plans to play before them."
    "'No! That's just not right!' he bellows incredulously. "The Pixies
    opening for us is like the Beatles opening for us. I won't allow it.
    There's no way we can follow the Pixies!"

  • Geith0

    Count me in.

  • CyBrainX0

    A repeat thread, but so what. It is the greatest day. Here's what I said in the other thread:

    I've thoroughly soiled me knickers.