Flash Question

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  • 29 Responses
  • mikotondria20

    dude - Im getting really worried now..
    When I resize the browser in that demo, everything stays the same size, as if I had just published with fixed dimensions in the OBJ tags..
    Am I understanding that the background scribbly stuff should size with the browser, whilst the green square would remain at the same size.
    The uses Id see for THAT happening might be to have a full page vector background (maybe a nice MK12 stylee thing), whilst maintaining the absolute size of the other content for pixel fonts, bitmaps etc ?
    Honestly, to achieve this, I'd have used a background= 1px gif in the body tag and set the transparency, placing the movie in a centered div/table..
    Or maybe our heater is just leaking carbon monoxide and Im hallucinating browser discrepencies. Again.
    Darn thing..
    Please enlighten me, or come round and open a few windows.
    Thanks guys :)

  • jkosoy0

    i think you need to think outside the box. no offense intended.

    this is a very basic script. hence why its called demo. the idea that you can control properties of your flash movie based on your browser scale allows for INCREDIBLE potential.

    you could have entire actions assigned when the user changes the scale of the page. you could change the background color based on the dimensions of the stage. there's TONS of different unique effects you could pull off w/ this.

    the biggest limitation to flash is that it does not integrate into sites well, at least compared to java. this is a great starting point toward getting the way the user views your site to translate to your movie.

    just becuase you're looking at a green square on scribble doesn't mean thats all its limited to. :)

  • mikotondria20

    hehe cool - good point.
    Thats a neat concept, changing contents from listening to the resizing, but honestly its not working for me in that demo.. :(
    (just rechecks....)
    If you know a site where this is more fully implemented, I might 'get it' :).
    Thanks for staying with me on this.

  • jkosoy0

    no problem. i don't have a site done with it...i just consider myself an artistic creative programmer, so i see potential in everything.

    i get excited when they release new versions of code. is that pathetic or what? :)

    there have been a couple of great sites out there that used this well. unfortunately, all my old bookmarks are on a broken ass PC buried somewhere in a landfill somewhere.

  • mikotondria20

    hey No problem jamie :).
    Thats a novel little site yu have there too.
    I can understand your excitement at little bits of code, too - ever check out the wiki guys and their undocumented Flash features at
    http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/fla… ?
    Thats hardcore code excitement.
    I remeber getting excited when I understood all of a Flash guestbook from Flashkit many moons ago...
    I was less ecited when a client sent me an FLA for a project that was utterly obscure and undocumented OOP, with the likes of __proto__ and so on in it.
    I also recall being excited as a small boy with the discovery of to write to and read from a multi-dimensional array in BASIC on my TI-99/4A Texas Instruments, so you're in good company :).
    Anyone else got any epiphanous moments in the vein of
    10 print "this says this"
    20 goto 10 ?
    or...or...or not : /

  • jeremy_tai0

    good use of scaling flash:

    open some menu items. they scale to the browser window.

  • Seph0

    jeremy_tai, that link crashes my computer the moment I try to resize or even move the browser window. I'm sure its great though. Admittedly I'm still using OS classic and IE 5.1 so its probably my fault.

    Anyway can anyone tell me if this site is using the aforementioned technique to achieve these delicious backgrounds?

    I think it is because the background can be through some transparaent parts of the main flash area.

    I am salivating - about to open the resize.fla example.

  • jkosoy0

    thanks for the compliment on my site. :)

    i've been working on my portfolio at www.firstfloor.net. i kinda hate it right now though. i may redesign it soon.

    beatwax is doing what we're talkin about, yea.

    i think i'm all talk here; i've only very recently started to understand what setInterval and onEnterFrame can do. i'm working for a small firm here in philly while going to school. they gave me a project for the free library, which i used to build some cool elastic navigation effects. i've been showing it off to everyone, even though for the life of me i don't know much about math.

    i think its the youthful college kid showing through. i see every tiny bit of syntax as a new way to express something that hasn't been done. :)

  • jkosoy0

    Oh yea. I live on flashcoders, by the way. And flashlounge too. :D