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  • 62 Responses
  • Epictive0

    Thanks. Care to shed more then the qoute about your beliefs?

  • Dr_Jay0

    yeah... anyone voting for Bush... let's hear the reasons.

    If it's just because you think he's better than Kerry, please say HOW he's better than Kerry.

    So far in this thread I haven't heard a single reason (oh wait... someone didn't like Kerry's body language)...

    how's this for body language?

  • virtu0

    i really honestly wish i could stay here and explain in detail, but i dont have enough time or patience.

    basically in a nut shell. I am a strong bush supporter. I am one because i dont think that there is a better person for the job. The point that america is at is in need of a very strong leader like GWB. I hate to bring partisan politics into this, but we need a republican in office in a time of war. Kerry cant even make up his mind on issues, let alone lead a country during a time of war.
    bush is just the best man for the job. Bush is a man of content and integrity, Kerry on the other hand is not. Im not saying this because hes a liberal, im saying this because he has been caught in a couple of lies. and his voting record is completely absurd. So, thats my 2 cents. Perhaps when i get back from vacation on monday, i will spit out some more conservative love.

    till then, i hope this is good enough to get some other conservatives started.

    BUSH/CHENEY'04 !!!!!!!!!

  • ikbenvanrijn0

    Bush is a man of content and integrity, Kerry on the other hand is not. Im not saying this because hes a liberal, im saying this because he has been caught in a couple of lies.


    bush has not been caught in lies? iraq/wmd for starters?

  • frankosonik0

    Bush lies about WMD, Kerry lied about his involvement with a group that considered assassinating congressmen that supported the Vietnam war.

    You shouldn't disappoint yourselves by deifying politicians. Politicians lie. There is nothing pure about them, on either side. Instead of wasting time complaining about old farts who can give a rats ass about you, go paint a picture, take a walk outside, devote one day to helping someone in need. Life's too short.

  • mikotondria20

    I think its true to say that the face America puts on its leadership, be it Bush, Kerry, Clinton whomever, has more of an effect and is of more consequence to the rest of the world and the control the US exerts over the rest of the world, than the domestic politic.
    At the moment, we are well into the next phase of global development, that sees a polarisation of the US and Europe/Mid East.
    It is this that is driving the militarist advances of the US economy, and this that is behind the conglomeration of europe into single trading state, designed to stabilise and attract the gold/oil/futures and other financial instruments into europe/mid-east ready for the next global military showdown, after which, in the style of wwII and the UN, the coming global government will be established.
    This is a long term plan that has been being enacted since the crusades, Kerry, Bush and the other leaders are merely temporary players in longterm game run not for their, nor our benefit.
    Politics is the art of getting people that dont agree with each other cooperate, but the real politics behind this tooing and froing are always kept hidden.

  • contribute0

    I am a conservative, right-wing, Bush supporter. But I respect and love to hear what any and all of you have to say, when it's said respectfully and intelligently. I despise the right-wing loudmouth as much as the left-wing. An intelligent coversation on this matter would be nice for once, where each of us repects the other. When I say I support Bush, why does someone always have to come in and call him an f*ing terrorist, or whatever? And in the same light, why does the right have to sling it back? In the end it seems to come down to one's values. Values are something to be respected in each of us. This probably sounds pretty left, but really, I am very on the right.

  • Fanco0

    man, did the american media ever destroy the word 'Liberal'

    Never before 2003 was the word Liberal the equivilant as 'enemy to the state'.

    I'm center-left. And I apologize. I'm sorry for being a strong supporter of the public health care. responsibility in the government. gay rights. public owned media. i guess since that makes me liberal (and that being a bad thing apparently) then I should convert to the more populor media and authority friendly polical alignement - conservative.

    allright. now I'm voting for banning simple rights to gay couples. selling the health and education system to privatetly owned comapnies to make profit. Spends billions on military. Build nukes and research the "mini-nuke" technology and slap other countries who own them with threats.

    okay I'm done with the sarcasm. I still dont get how two countries economically and geographically close like Canada and the States be so far apart in social believes.

  • virtu0


    a lie i defined as saying something that you know isnt true. now, bush and a great majority of the rest of the world believed that saddam had WMDs, so when bush said that iraq had WMDs, he was saying something that he and a majority of others believed to be true. Now, being that he thought it was true, how does that make it a lie? He was not saying something that he knew to be false.

    seriously, if your going to try and say that bush lied about anything, then your gonna have to come up with a better example than that. I believe bush has been very truthful with the american people, and that is another reason i support him. He has defied the little saying that all politicians lie. He hasnt lied about anything provable.

  • engelgrafik0

    For those that honestly still believe that all political philosophy rests on some horizontal dichotomy, I would be considered "right wing".

    The problem most "liberals" have with my philosophy is that I just don't see government being the solution to all of our ills. I believe in self reliance, self responsibility, the Rights and Dignity of Man, and other cliches that many liberals roll their eyes at. I can't help it... these beliefs really are valid for anybody who honestly believes in the dignity of the individual, and not succumbing to the communal wasteheap of automatic humanism without honor that comes with brute Socialism.

    Man is not the Tool of the State. And it's for this reason that I champion old-school liberals, classical liberals, like Locke, Smith, Paine, etc.

    I do believe in the "general welfare". I just don't believe in the applied welfare of welfare nations. Government is never the answer, but somehow this has become the mantra of the left... Government is the religion of the 20th and 21st centuries. And we have little except in the way of Education to prove that it has any value.

    So am I Libertarian? Yes, mostly. But I consider myself a Common Sense Libertarian.

    I am pro globalism. Why? Because it's common sense. If you are anti globalist, then you MUST be protectionist... and this falls into the SAME effect as that of nationalism. Whereas, with Globalism, you secure long term standards of living with every nation you work with, even if in the short term corporations make money.

    Also, against most Liberatarian ideals, I support socialized Education. I believe every kid in America deserves to know the rules of the game before he or she enters the game as an adult. That means our schools should be great learning centers, not dried up bastions of backwardness like they are today.

    So, I am a Libertarian, yet I adopt very left and very right wing views on various things. I call that Common Sense Libertarianism. :)

  • mikotondria20


  • durang0

    A lot of people like myself are conservative when it comes to national defense and limited government & liberal on social issues i.e. pro choice, gay marraige, legalization. It seems like everytime I tell a liberal I support Bush on the war and terrorism I get fed this steady line of bullshit about lies & civil rights, oil, etc . . . I'm sorry but Iraq was the crackhouse of the middle east. it needed to go. And terrorism needs to be fought with an iron fist. Those dudes want to set off a nuclear bomb in New York city . . . we need to kill every single last one of them.

  • lowimpakt0

    "I'm sorry but Iraq was the crackhouse of the middle east. it needed to go. And terrorism needs to be fought with an iron fist. Those dudes want to set off a nuclear bomb in New York city . . . we need to kill every single last one of them."

    Ok Iraq wasnt going to attack the US. Get a f**king grip on yourself. The US buddies in Saudi have far more problems vis-a-vis womens rights etc. so stop that line of bull aswell. And those 'dudes' who actually attacked the US only wanted the US to remove their army bases from their holy lands.

    Ill make this a simple as possible: If you remember back to 1990 when Saudi were having grief with Saddam over some oil fields or whatever and the Saudi govt. sought help of 500,000 US soldiers and some within the Saudi ranks were a bit pissed of about this. Some guy Osama or something wanted to mobilise veterans of the 1979-89 Jihad against the Soviets to defend Saudi A. against Saddam (whom he has always hated - even though Bush said they were mates) This led to his split and eventual going 'underground' - (which wasnt a problem what with all the money he had with his legitimate businesses and those arms supplied by the US to fight the Soviets sometime or another).

    So fuck this bullshit about Osama wanting to destroy Western Civilisation. He wants what he sees as the Infidel, i.e. the same people in the US admin (Cheney et al) who entered Saudi orginally with GWBs dad, off the land that contains two of the holiest sites of Islam.

    read some history sometime its a cracking story........

  • bmxboy0
  • dave_bxcr0


    words like 'got to go' and 'iron fist' make me sick you right wing bastard.

    live it up.

  • rasko40

    I am constantly amazed at the infallible willingness you muppets have in regard to expressing your bullshit views when you know full well that no-one is going to listen other than to come back at you with an equally dumb argument.

    Why dont you quit talking politics on a design board where all you play is a game of ping pong the rhetoric and start talking more about fucking chicks with bacon rind down their throat and taking shits off viaducts, proper healthy shit like that, maybe even a design thread.

    Dumb fucks.

  • lowimpakt0

    99.9% of design-talk is tired and self-congratulatory drivel. Talking about fucking chicks and shitting of bridges makes you sound like a 15 year old jock twat.

    dumb fuck

    ;) or something

  • Mr_Jump0

    Death to the state!Death to the government!Death to the police! fascist pigs!Long live the nomad!Long live Computer Aided Design!I'm an anarchist!Y'all suck fuckin hippies! I wanna create a world where black women can bathe - nekked an' unashamed in a gentle stream! I'm not a designer.... just a kid who downloaded photoshop off the interent... fuckin charlatan




  • virtu0

    mr jump. i love you.

  • Mr_Jump0

    awww, vritu, I love u too! - in a strictly non-platonic way ;)