the gif animation thread
the gif animation thread
- Started
- Last post
- 46,025 Responses
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- all my kitties are fat and happy... and love me so
- all my kitties are fat and happy... and love me so
- Gardener1
- A man who knows what it sounds like when you stab someone in the backTurboslacker
- PhanLo3
- Is that a sperm whale?deadsperm
- obviously not. it's definitely a baleen whale of some sort. you can tell by the shape of the head and the barnacles, which don't settle on toothed whales.sarahfailin
- Should I be aroused?futurefood
- bad breath?elDoctor
- Naturally, what's important is getting a selfie, not the animal. Fuck these losers.PublicVoice
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- Cmon Fido.. Cmon..********
- Should I be aroused?futurefood
- This does nothing for mefuturefood
- Cmon Fido.. Cmon..
- PhanLo1
- the future is nowKrassy
- Alien mothership?utopian
- "here's your sh*t products" blop blop blop blopKrassy
- Can I get one on Amazon?lemmy_k
- Bees?jmckinno
- fuck thatFax_Benson
- AMAZON! are surely the most deserving of a FUCK thread.MrT
- I image that thing would be shot full of holes here in the states the first day it was released (glad it's not real... yet)PonyBoy
- I'm waiting for it to hit Ross...see_thru
- This does nothing for mefuturefood
- *imaginePonyBoy
- take down that protoss carrier********
- that is some straight up City 17 shit right theredigitdaily
- thanks obama.neverscared
- haha, Pony, FOR SUREmonospaced
- fuck that is horrible********
- Ramanisky21
- I saw the video of this a while back. Good stuff.lemmy_k
- and cats are very (whats the word in english? routine, humdrum?) so he surely wait for him everyday at the same time.Bennn
- Had a red cat who did the same every morning. The postman said that he would not deliver mail to me anymore, if my cat not stop scratching him every time..********
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