the gif animation thread
the gif animation thread
- Started 21 years ago
- Last post a day ago
- 46,147 Responses
- loool0
- hahahahai_monk
- hahaha
omg that is fucking awesome!Hombre_Lobo - he'll only be able to do that once! but man it was effectivecruddlebub
- loool0
- ho... what short film is it from? Can't recall...vsplus
- something from northern europe...vsplus
- it's that German warehouse safety video where people's arms and heads get chopped off. hilariousArsenicPants
- scarabin0
- must be shopped - i thought you couldn't see stars from space?hansglib
- er... that doesn't make sense. Imean other iamges of earth don't have the starfield backgroundhansglib
- long exposures, hansdetritus
- detrius, you can't photograph stars with a "normal" camera maybe 1; that field is taken with the space telescope.k_temp
- "normal" camera can't capture light from that far away.k_temp