Packaging Design Help

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  • pixelkitten

    Hello everyone,

    This is a "test/demo" packaging design I'm doing for Moxie Sozo. If they like it, they're going to hire me, so it's a pretty big deal for me! I'm just looking for any input I can get. The comps I've made so far are at…

    What I'd like to know is:
    1. Which you like the most of the designs
    2. Any font suggestions, especially for the main word "Platypus"
    3. What I can do to make things more readable, etc
    4. Any other small stuff you may notice

    All the dotted lines are areas to be cut or folded. The Japanese text is scanned, so don't bother telling me it looks bad -- I know it does :-). Same with the bar code.

    I think that's about it. Thanks for the help!