Flash load movie Q

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  • silentseven

    I am trying to load a movie from another movie into an empty clip from a another movie. And i am stumped.

    Here is he situation. I have a nav movie (nav.swf) when i click on print i need it to load print.swf into flip.swf but into the print1 mc and then into the mtClip held within the print1 movieclip.

    If anyone can help that would be great i hve looked everywhere to find a direction.

    Thanks for the Help

  • dbloc0

    not sure if I really understand what's goin on but try this.

    switch out _level 10 with whatever level flip.swf is

    make sure the mc's have an instance name

    _level10.print1_mc.mtClip_mc.loa... 11);