Friday 13th
- Started 20 years ago
- Last post 20 years ago
- 44 Responses
- vwsung18t0
jason doesn't talk, jazX
- kelpie0
if only ;)
- swollenelbow0
- ********0
jason doesn't talk, jazX
(May 13 05, 06:09)he types!
- honest0
i had a dream where after a long chase, he caught up with me and stabbed me with the machete, but i grabbed onto it only to have my fingers sliced off.
- swollenelbow0
let me let you guys in on a little secret...
you will continue to work until you go home, where you will continue to do whatever it is you do, after that you may go to sleep or you may stay up late, but tomorrow all these premonitions will be gone.
long live the day.
- Lesk0
Well my sister dreamed she died last night, being today, and I dreamt I was back in my old house remodeling it back to the way it was when I still lived there.
Oh yea, I'm so gonna go out 2night!
- Jaline0
I was born on a Thursday the 13th!
Too bad I wasn't born on a Friday. Not that I want to be younger or older. Only 6 (Arrrghh) more years until my birthday falls on a Friday!
I think I've had it on a Friday the 13th around 2 times so far.
- kungfukid0
well Jaline, i feel sorry for any june babies next year on the 6th.
- ********0
this morning on the way in to work i think jason gave me my coffee at starbucks. nice fellow.
- honest0
good to see he's back on his feet.
- ********0
it's slow here today-- is everyone dead?
- vwsung18t0
i've had 3 birthdays on friday the 13th as well jaline
- blaw0
today's my son's fifth birthday. thus far spent mostly screwing off, just the two of us.
not a bad day, if i do say so.
- dopepope0
- Jaline0
i've had 3 birthdays on friday the 13th as well jaline
(May 13 05, 07:58when's your b-day?
- vwsung18t0
october 13, i might have had more but i only remember having 3
- Jaline0
oh yeah? mine's nov.13
- vwsung18t0
i happen to work with two people with the same birthday, but different years. one guy got fired though so it's only one other person now
- peteski0
please kill me.