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  • 117 Responses
  • scarabin0

    ...but hurry back, 'cause this shit turns me on.

  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    whatever happened to that video collaboration we were all gonna do? Let's talk about that instead because this shit goes no where.

  • scarabin0

    heh heh.

    finals came, and then my portfolio redesign came, and now i'm looking forward to a new job with 14 hour work days as standard.

    i wish i had time for a video project :(

  • discipler0

    *sigh... was hoping to not get into this yet again, but...


    "bullshit. just because someone long ago wrote it and claimed it was true, does not make a thing true. i can write a book wherein i claim to be god, make up whatever wacko shit i want, and then stir in a few current events to make it 'historically accurate' and it will still be bullshit. the bible is not an end-all argument to anything, it is not a historical record, it is not some god's creation, it is just a book; although the most popular work of fiction ever written."


    Here's a very brief overview that doesn't even begin to do justice to the reliability of the N.T...

    The Bible is a historical document. If you subject it to the same tests and textual criticism that you subject other historical documents (documents which you accept without question) to, you’ll discover that the Bible proves itself to be far superior to any other ancient writing - of the New Testament alone, there are presently some 5,000 Greek manuscripts in existence, with as many as 25,000 more copies. Just as amazing is the fact that the earliest manuscripts can be dated back as far as 120 A.D. This is tremendous when you consider that only 7 of Plato’s manuscripts are in existence today — and there’s a 1,300-year gap which separates the earliest copy from the original writing! The New Testament has been virtually unaltered. This has been demonstrated by scholars who have compared the earliest written manuscripts with manuscripts written centuries later. And remember, the accounts in the New Testament were recorded directly by eyewitnesses.

    You see, there are legitimate reasons why millions worldwide, including scholars, theologians, and scientists, believe that God has both inspired and preserved his word.


    "again, bullshit. the occurance of a man spontaneously coming back to life has never, ever, been 'historically verified'. the bible is not a verified historical record."


    As briefly demonstrated above, the Bible IS in fact a historical document. And more reliable than most documents that are accepted without question.

    Of the variety of evidence we have available, none is more compelling than the fact that over five hundred individuals saw Jesus (1 Cor. 15:6) during a 40-day period following His death and burial (Acts 1:3). In fact, the Apostles appealed to Christ’s resurrection as proof for the truth of the gospel (Acts 17:18, 31). The historical evidence for the resurrection is so compelling that the famed Harvard law professor, Simon Greenleaf, concluded that any cross-examination of the eyewitness testimonies recorded in Scripture will result in “an undoubting conviction of their integrity, ability, and truth.”

    And even as we consider alternative explanations about Christ's resurrection, reason drives us back to the conclusion that Christ rose from the dead - we know that the Romans had no intentions of stealing Christ’s body because the last thing they wanted was any turmoil that was sure to follow such an event. The Jewish religious leaders would also have no motive in stealing the body since that would only stir up the very movement they tried to crush. And certainly, the disciples could not have stolen the body; after all, would anyone really suffer and die for a cause that they knew to be a lie? They were terrified and scattered at this time. It is conceivable that someone may die for the truth, but inconceivable that hundred’s of his follower’s would, in fact, be willing to die for what they knew to be a lie. It's a historical event which divides and transforms to this day, my friend.


    "every religion accounts for and explains all these things. that's why religions formed in the first place. to explain natural phenomena. christianity in no way is the first and definitely not the only religion to do this."


    I meant that is successfully accounts for, not that it "attempts" to account for such metaphysical realities. Christianity is the only belief system that coherently explains and connects issues like the problem of evil, true self-sacrificing love and lasting contentment. World religions fail to provide sactisfactory and cohesive elucidation here.

  • discipler0

    and scarabin, as for the unscholarly links you posted which attempt to discredit the Bible, you have only provided tired old attacks which have long since been answered by those who actually know how to study the Bible in conext (Hermeneutics), those who know and understand the difference between the old and new covenant regulations, those who know how to differentiate between a paradox and a contradiction and those who know how to rightly apply the science of Textual Criticism. The information in your links clearly demonstrate what happens when one reads the Bible without considering context and other important factors.

    Here are some actual reliable sources regarding the trustworthiness and harmony of the Bible:……

    an exhaustive treatment:…

    Those are just a few, for the interested seeker.

    See, it's amazing that forty different authors wrote over a span of 1,600 years, on three continents, in three languages, on hundreds of subjects — yet, without contradiction — and with one central storyline, God’s redemption of mankind.

  • GreedoLives0

    Since there's been all this talk about scientology recently, i've been reading up on it a bit and it's incredibly fascinating. Turns out he harvested some of his ideas from Aleister Crowley and other occultists, started a private fleet called Sea Org which still exists, was a bigamist and big-time alcoholic and pill popper and propaly died from an overdose (his body was very quickly cremated...drugs are against church doctrine). Also, several high-ranking scientologists were indicted and convicted in the late 70s for running an anti-american spy ring.
    If nothing else, read this crazy crap:…

    And imagine the business model:
    you can only move up the ranks by paying large sums of money all the while telling your most intimate secrets to the church, which is not bound by any ethics or oaths to keep it secret or use them against you. Also keeping the central core of your beliefs secret from your adherents seems psychotic to me.
    Screw this cult.

  • brooke0

    I saw someone who looked just like you, Scarabin, on Taxi Cab Confessions. With some irony, he had his two girlfriends in the car with him.

    Was it you?


  • scarabin0

    The Bible is a historical document. If you subject it to the same tests and textual criticism that you subject other historical documents (documents which you accept without question) to, you’ll discover that the Bible proves itself to be far superior to any other ancient writing - of the New Testament alone, there are presently some 5,000 Greek manuscripts in existence, with as many as 25,000 more copies. Just as amazing is the fact that the earliest manuscripts can be dated back as far as 120 A.D. This is tremendous when you consider that only 7 of Plato’s manuscripts are in existence today — and there’s a 1,300-year gap which separates the earliest copy from the original writing! The New Testament has been virtually unaltered. This has been demonstrated by scholars who have compared the earliest written manuscripts with manuscripts written centuries later. And remember, the accounts in the New Testament were recorded directly by eyewitnesses.

    You see, there are legitimate reasons why millions worldwide, including scholars, theologians, and scientists, believe that God has both inspired and preserved his word.


    all this says is that the new testament is really old and there are many copies of it. just because something is repeated, doesn't make it true. there are a million copies of harry potter in the world and they are still fiction, and continue to be so despite the 'eyewitness' claims of young harry that the events he describes are actually happening.


    'As briefly demonstrated above, the Bible IS in fact a historical document. And more reliable than most documents that are accepted without question.'


    no, all it proved was that the new testament is old, not that the events in the bible aren't fiction.


    'Of the variety of evidence we have available, none is more compelling than the fact that over five hundred individuals saw Jesus (1 Cor. 15:6) during a 40-day period following His death and burial (Acts 1:3). In fact, the Apostles appealed to Christ’s resurrection as proof for the truth of the gospel (Acts 17:18, 31). The historical evidence for the resurrection is so compelling that the famed Harvard law professor, Simon Greenleaf, concluded that any cross-examination of the eyewitness testimonies recorded in Scripture will result in “an undoubting conviction of their integrity, ability, and truth.”'


    you can't seriously be using that as an argument. again, this is like saying that the harry potter books are all true because a character inside the book said they were.
    what you're trying to use here is called a self-supporting argument. it's like in those cartoons where a character grabs the collar of his own shirt and lifts himself off the ground. it just doesn't work.


    'And even as we consider alternative explanations about Christ's resurrection, reason drives us back to the conclusion that Christ rose from the dead - we know that the Romans had no intentions of stealing Christ’s body because the last thing they wanted was any turmoil that was sure to follow such an event. The Jewish religious leaders would also have no motive in stealing the body since that would only stir up the very movement they tried to crush. And certainly, the disciples could not have stolen the body; after all, would anyone really suffer and die for a cause that they knew to be a lie? They were terrified and scattered at this time. It is conceivable that someone may die for the truth, but inconceivable that hundred’s of his follower’s would, in fact, be willing to die for what they knew to be a lie. It's a historical event which divides and transforms to this day, my friend.'


    um, no. nobody fucking rose from the grave. i don't care how many people have argued about it. there is still no proof. the bible is still not proof.


    'I meant that is successfully accounts for, not that it "attempts" to account for such metaphysical realities. Christianity is the only belief system that coherently explains and connects issues like the problem of evil, true self-sacrificing love and lasting contentment. World religions fail to provide sactisfactory and cohesive elucidation here.'


    because religion is bullshit. and you're wrong in the first place- scientology, which is also bullshit, also explains and interconnects the problem of evil, contentment, etc, and all in a completely satisfactory manner. it's still fiction.

  • MrDinky0

    like many stories, bible is written by man and told by man.

  • scarabin0


  • scarabin0

    nah brooke, it's been a few years since i was on tv, and it wasn't that show.

    that's weird, though

  • Norman_AD0

    As I see it, religion/worship is many different things to many different people. The one thing that it shares in common is empowerment.

    Some follow religion to lead a better life, or seek the value of good through the commandments. Some to have a sense of purpose in life. Some to pay thanks to the creator for blessing them with life.

    Some worship, as someone mentioned, only seeking a place in heaven in the afterlife, others try to bring goodness down to earth and make a little piece of heaven here.

    Other people use religion to warp and bend nature, enslave man, cast spells and weild power reserved for places other than earth.

    Some people find themselves in religion, some lose themselves.

    What ever helps a person to give and take love is the most important thing I think. True mercy and compassion and appreciation that you have been created. Helping others to lead more full lives.

  • MrDinky0

    biggest regilion in the world


  • Norman_AD0

    Having said that, I see a major battle between religions. Not just the Muslim / Jew / Christian one.

    Smaller sects such as Scientology, Masonry, Paganism to name a few are all engauged in a major battle right now with the big three included.

    The Tom Cruise spectacle is another sect trying to make Scientology appear as a cult. The recent spate of priest phedophiles I believe is paganism stabbing at Christianity and the Church.

    Recent meme's suggest Satanism is making it's way to the top somehow. My guess is because it has little moral recourse for it's actions. (ie. when is the last time you saw a church slander the living shit out of someone/something). It also doesn't take a genius to see how many floppy gold watch celebrities are throw horns like it was going out of style. Somewhere else that looks just like here smells, looks and feels much nicer.

    my 3 cents.

  • ArtDirector0

    Scientology was started by L. Ron Hubbard I believe. He traveled around the world, and wrote a book called Dianetics. I remember seeing the tv commericals all the time as a kid.

  • Solid0

    It's also a good way to meet chicks.

  • scarabin0

    i agree that religion can help man, but it's a tool that is commonly misused.

    i say invent whatever made-up explanation of the world and universe you want, as long as it's a truly beneficial thing. [if you absolutely just cannot understand reality from a scientific and biological point of view]

    as soon as you start launching crusades and spanish inquisitions whose goal [besides to rape, pillage, gain wealth, and power] is to murder those who don't agree with your belief system [or b.s. as robert anton wilson likes to call it] while claiming to be a positive religion, you gain my utter hatred.

    these doctrines built on greed, guilt, deprivation, and systematic ignorance while feigning innocence and purity make my fucking blood boil.

  • MrDinky0

    like many institutions, the go bad to keep it self alive

  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    so I was thinking we music that's not so dark and dreary - I'm thinking something slightly upbeat - but still emotional enough to leave you inspired...

  • uberdesigner0