Flash assistance

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  • 1 Response
  • mightyj

    Looking for a script or help with a script that can be set on a movie clip. I want a clip to move horizontally across the screen and then reset after it hits the end of the stage. The placement on reset I want to randomly change so it is not the same animation. I may even change the sixe of the clip and speed at which it goes across the screen. Fluid movement would be ideal. I am going to work on a script today but any help or any tutes would be of great help. Thanks in advance.

  • mightyj0

    this is what I have so far but wondering if it is the cleanest and most efficient way of doing it:

    onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
    this._x = this._x+2;
    if (this._x>=1030) {
    this._x = -50;
    this._y = random(200);
    this._alpha = random(60);
    this._yscale = random(100);
    this._xscale = this._yscale;