Looking for 3d peeps

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  • Boz

    If you do great 3d I want to talk to you. This year is the year of Boz and some big things will be happening. I'm looking for solid 3d people to join me. If you are good/great in 3d visualization (especially real state visualization) and you are able to create 3d content from architectural drawings etc, I want to see your stuff.

    In the next few months I will start a new venture within real estate industry and I'm looking for dedicated, hard working people with the attention for details and the ability to make cool stuff. You don't have to be local (Phoenix, AZ), but it would preferable just for getting the groove going easier.

    Show me your stuff and if I like it and I see that you are quality material, I will contact you and we can take it from there.

    Send me your stuff at 3dwork (AT) designbyinfinity.com along with your IM or phone number or any other way to contact you.

    Just, so we are clear, I'm interested in everyone. You don't have to be the best, but you should be able to produce 3d art. I just want reliable and good people that I can communicate with, we'll make everything else work out down the road.



    Kev, don't you say a word, you know where you're at with this :) Btw, dude it was great having that beer with you :)

  • Boz0

    A whole lot of "stuff", but you get my point :)

  • mbr0

    Just sent you some samples