Chat Bot Prank

  • Started
  • Last post
  • 5 Responses
  • -scarabin-

    10:49:18 AM honkmahorn424: Hi so what are you up to this weekend we should get tgoether
    10:49:45 AM invisiblewyrm: i don't even know who this is
    10:49:57 AM honkmahorn424: ok
    10:50:03 AM invisiblewyrm: heh
    10:50:08 AM invisiblewyrm: so uh, who is this?
    10:50:18 AM honkmahorn424: u says ome interesting things... lol
    10:51:30 AM honkmahorn424: ???
    10:51:36 AM invisiblewyrm: what?
    10:51:48 AM honkmahorn424: what do u think?
    10:51:55 AM invisiblewyrm: about what?
    10:52:02 AM honkmahorn424: are u online a lot?
    10:52:11 AM invisiblewyrm: is this a robot or something?
    10:52:23 AM honkmahorn424: bot? umm... lmao I aint no bot lol
    10:52:31 AM invisiblewyrm: well who the hell are you?
    10:52:41 AM honkmahorn424: Iam always well
    10:52:51 AM invisiblewyrm: i said who, not how
    10:53:03 AM honkmahorn424: do we always have to talk about u? lol jk
    10:53:10 AM invisiblewyrm: bot it is then
    10:53:18 AM honkmahorn424: what? lo lsorry i'm no bot
    10:54:29 AM honkmahorn424: u doin ok over there?
    10:54:31 AM honkmahorn424: :-p
    10:55:43 AM honkmahorn424: please talk, i'll be good lol
    10:56:15 AM invisiblewyrm: so what are you selling
    10:56:28 AM honkmahorn424: im not that interesting, lol
    10:56:31 AM invisiblewyrm: no shit
    10:56:41 AM invisiblewyrm: /commands
    10:56:44 AM invisiblewyrm: /help
    10:56:45 AM honkmahorn424: did somethin go wrong?
    10:56:54 AM invisiblewyrm: /admin
    10:57:04 AM honkmahorn424: man, i am tired
    10:57:08 AM invisiblewyrm: eat shit
    10:57:22 AM honkmahorn424: did somethin go wrong?
    10:58:30 AM honkmahorn424: u seem interesting, can we talk more?
    10:58:53 AM invisiblewyrm: no
    10:59:07 AM honkmahorn424: thats too bad
    10:59:12 AM invisiblewyrm: piss off
    10:59:24 AM honkmahorn424: What bitch?
    10:59:31 AM invisiblewyrm: what bitch?
    10:59:34 AM honkmahorn424: You have been talking to a computer! One of your friends is reading the whole conversation and laughing it up right now! GET EVEN! Have the bot prank all your friends by visiting imprank.ebaumsworld(dot)com
    11:00:01 AM invisiblewyrm: O RLY?

  • Momentum20

    where's the bot! I want it haha looks fun!

  • obey460

    trying on my friend right now

  • dopepope0

    so, the bot just randomly converses with the person on the other end? How does it know how to respond to what's being replied? Or is the humor in the fact that it won't respond with anything relevant to the post before it?

  • digitalswarm0

    My friends didn't go for it

  • MyNameIsPhil0

    amazing... this is working so good