seminar gold=holiday

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  • carver

    just returned from a seminar tour of dubai, english business speaking spain and guernsey. on the DQS skills management assessment level i gained a 14 out of a possible 16 for the 12 presentations i performed in the last fortnight. that grading is classed as gold level. i've just found out that that is VIRTUALLY unheard of at basic DQS senior management level. subsequently, my manager has given me two weeks off from today for the 'hard' work i put in. i writing this 'wireless' post from the garden of this chick i met last night. i'm listening to an american band called arcade fire while sporting my new reef shoes! what a life. i'm going inside for sex soon. caio. daft eh?

  • Engage0

    She must be a bigwig to get them to play in her garden.