Get your war on...

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  • 81 Responses
  • jevad0

  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    yes... I think Bush is qualified... if he wasn't... explain how he's in office a second time...

    *prepares self for on-slaught of conspiratorial 'voter-fraud' and 'republican election-fixing' crys

    I'm not a little 'loyalist'... I just don't subscribe to the spew you repeat off air america etc, dobs...

    ... it's the same crap that the 'left' spews on the news all day long... and it's ungrounded and emotional.

    ... like the majority of your STUPID commentary.

    yes... reread your dumb comments once in a while - you'll see I'm not putting words in your mouth... i'm quoting you directly rather often actually.

    It's hard to be cordial with you dobs... because you try and pick a fight... you dig and poke and prod... hoping someone will jump on the chance to argue with you.

    I find it a waste of my time most of the time... because you resort to petty arguments that are silly and hold no water and live off of 'the human angle' as apposed to 'the truth'...

  • jevad0

    "yes... I think Bush is qualified... if he wasn't... explain how he's in office a second time..."


  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    jevad... you really believe 'the point' of your silly little comics?

    take a look at the whole picture, dude...

    ... if you keep letting the dog piss on the carpet - you're going to have a stinky carpet... and it's YOUR FAULT... not the dog's.

    Your last cartoon's point is about be 'balanced in a response'...

    ... how many fucking times you want the Israelies to fall back after being attacked?

    Imagine yourself... in your little colorado home... and out of nowhere some pricks up and kidnapp a few people in your town and then start LAUNCHING ROCKETS AT YOU... and your neighbors... INDISCRIMINENTLY...

    ... you'd be BEGGING Bush to go fuck up the people who did this... for no fucking reason.

    I 'appreciate' that so many innocent people are dying... BUT DROP THE EMOTION... and look at the facts...
    ... if Israel falls back... and gives in AGAIN... this will keep happening over and over and over again...

    ... liken this situation to a New Orleans Levy...

    If you patch a faulty Levy... perhaps you'll get lucky during the next storm... but chances are - during that 'next storm', the Levy has been weakend dramatically. That 'weakening' is the same as 'falling back and letting Hezbollah RE-ARM'.

    If you give into them again by 'falling back'... yes... the danger may go away briefly...

    ... but fuck - watch out for the next storm.

  • garett_west0

    It's hard to be cordial with you dobs... because you try and pick a fight... you dig and poke and prod... hoping someone will jump on the chance to argue with you.

    I find it a waste of my time most of the time... because you resort to petty arguments that are silly and hold no water and live off of 'the human angle' as apposed to 'the truth'...
    (Jul 21 06, 13:17)

    I've been saying that for so long I think you stole the words from my mouth.

  • mrdobolina0

    you think Bush is qualified because he won a popularity contest? this conversation might as well just end right now because of your ignorance.

    The guy didnt even know the difference between sunni and shia before invading iraq. That is fucking unqualified to lead the country.

    put your country before your party, just once.

    I wasnt labeled a huge liberal until after 9/11, I actually agree with lots of old school republican fiscal views. but I am sorry that party is GONE.

  • jevad0

    "Imagine yourself... in your little colorado home... and out of nowhere some pricks up and kidnapp a few people in your town and then start LAUNCHING ROCKETS AT YOU... and your neighbors... INDISCRIMINENTLY..."

  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    try living by the words you just typed, dobs... and perhaps you'll grow up to be healthy wealthy and wise like so many people strive to be...

    ... of course - you'll have to stop blaming everyone else and do something for yourself once in a while.

    You're right though - knowing the difference between the sunni's and the shiites is far more important than removing weaponry (THAT THE WORLD AGREES HE HAS) from a man who's hell-bent on keeping his people in the third-world... and building more homes and wealth for himself...

    ... let's also NOT MENTION the fact that he was in w/Russia, the french and even good ol' Koffi Anan of the UN... working through the hole oil for food scandal...

    ... yes... let's forget ALL THE CORRUPTION that this world spews and attack the one man who's in charge of America... because... //afterall... he's an 'idiot' and unqualified to run things...

    ... now - this is the point where I bring up alllll your past arguemnts about how this man is 'evil' and just waiting for the chance to steal all the money he can for himself, his friends and his party... because 'Bush is secretly a GENIUS who is out for all the oil and riches'...

    ... oh wait - if I bring up all those arguments... then it cancels out that Bush is 'an idiot' and unfit to rule.... and in fact makes him a lethal genius out to destroy everything non-white and non-Bush.

    You want me to keep going, Dobs?

    How 'bout you, jevad.. you got any more pithy little cartoons that are pointless?

    I 'get' you don't like people dying... FOR FUCKS SAKE.. THAT'S MY MONTRA...

    ... but if you have true ASSHOLES (hezbollah) who are simply out to start shit... and see if they can ONCE AGAIN... GET AWAY WITH IT...

    ... what do you really expect Israel to do?... sit there and let their people be kidnapped and bombed?... and what of alllll the families who lost loved ones in Israel... TRUE INNOCENT LOVED ONES... blown up by some selfish prick who took himself with them (coward)...

  • pocho0
  • mrdobolina0

    Ponyboy, do you know what the term "Company Guy" means?

    That is what I think of Bush. He gets positive reinforcement from Cheney and all the other actually smart guys.

    I cannot believe you are stupid enough to defend this fucking guy.

  • jevad0

    I LOVE how you have simplified everything down ponyboy. Hezbollah are, in your eyes, terrorists. In the Lebanese people's after '77 - freedom fighters. And get your fucking facts straight mate - it's Hamas who have suicide bombers...

  • pocho0

    these too (i think Pimz is an NT'er).

  • mrdobolina0

    ... of course - you'll have to stop blaming everyone else and do something for yourself once in a while.

    This comment makes no sense whatsoever, what the fuck handouts have I received, you stupid fucking cunt?

  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    jevad... allow me to break down your 'freedom fighting lebonese defenders' for you:


    * a series of kidnappings of Westerners in Lebanon, including several Americans, in the 1980s;

    * the suicide truck bombings that killed more than 200 U.S. Marines at their barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1983;

    * the 1985 hijacking of TWA flight 847, which featured the famous footage of the plane’s pilot leaning out of the cockpit with a gun to his head;

    * two major 1990s attacks on Jewish targets in Argentina—the 1992 bombing of the Israeli Embassy (killing twenty-nine) and the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center (killing ninety-five).

    * a July 2006 raid on a border post in northern Israel in which two Israeli soldiers were taken captive. The abductions sparked an Israeli military campaign against Lebanon to which Hezbollah responded by firing rockets across the Lebanese border into Israel.

    I threw that last one in there... just in case you forgot.

  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    and jevad, dobs...

    ... since we're discussing 'LEADERS WHO ARE FIT TO LEAD'...…

    Do you know HOW PROUD THIS MAN OF HIS SON???

    you know what his son did... right?

  • jevad0

    What did you like...automatically assume that I support them or something?

    Thanks for the timeline douchemaster.

  • PonyBoy0

    Thanks for the timeline douchemaster.

    (Jul 21 06, 13:51)

    what the fuck handouts have I received, you stupid fucking cunt?

    (Jul 21 06, 13:42)

    Enter response:

    boy... you two have really stepped up your debating tactics... got a few more names for me?

    I think I've called dobs and idiot so far... but that's fitting...

    jev... the timeline was to show how STUPID your comment about my knowledge of Hezbollah was.

  • son0

    war ?

    but i love myself and have no self esteem issues...

    sure i'm borderline narcississtick! but hey...

    i be damned if i fight somebody i know, its plenty of folk i could just punch in the face, but man, i aint tryna waste all that energy...capitol is prosperous

  • mrdobolina0

    what handouts have I received.

    also you called me stupid. you cunt.

  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    and I don't KNOW if you've received hand-outs, dobs...

    .. but you're sure willing to GIVE THEM OUT...

    and I make that statement from YEARS of conversation with you... if you ask me to quote something to prove that... I'll just giggle... cuz you know I don't have the ammo to go back that far...

    ... but for fucks sake... we talk enough and I'm not alone in thinking that you're all for giving hand-outs, dobs.