grrr...getting mad

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  • toul

    hi...i just getting mad.

    i try to get firm in devolping (killer)-(web)-apps. but where to start?

    i looked first at flash, then i visit a conference for visualising data and uppps i landed at processing. after a short time, i like the idea learning java, cause it gives you a great fundamental for processing, actionsript, javascript and so on....then i have to setup serval things...i have 'learned' to use wordpress. and i rid to the next level. with wordpress, i found out that php-knowledge is just a great thing. i have downloaded the (php)-framework-cake and now i'm looking to ruby on rails...thats my story of no orientation.
    the second thing...i'm a designer not a programmer.
    what do you do? anyone in the same situation?

  • Terminal270

    Hello Toul,

    In my experience there are two types of employers. Those who like a Jack of all trades who can turn their hand to anything, and those who value a specialist who knows his shit.

    If you are a designer, why do you want to know all about Ruby on rails etc? If you were about to go freelance it might make sense, but if not... There will always be a real developer that can do it faster and better.

    A bit of background knowlege is good but I'd be careful of where you take this. Think long term career opps. I don't really know what I'm trying to say. I've known designers in the past who tried to get into programming, and althought they still do it and quite well, they are not taken seriously as either designers of developers.

    Where's your heart at?

  • UndoUndo0

    flash and javascript are very similar coding languages, so if you learn one you can quickly learn the other

  • kon230

    learn the basics of stuff so you have a decent overview of things then delve deeper when you need to use certain disciplines for certain projects.

    that way you dont have to learn everything about everything at once.

  • toul0

    thank you for your respond...
    @Terminal27! i share the args you told. but the dilema is i call it for now 'the adam curry story'. you have an idea and you have to set it up yourself.
    and, as a one-man-startup you have to make more things yourself to be or keep competitve. later on, you can hire ruby-on-rails-developer.

    the great-and also the bad thing today is, you can get everything you need from the web. you need a press-button-fade you download prototype.js...

  • ephix0

    programming/scripting also becomes handy when moving into the motion graphics field too.