missing the perfect photo

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  • 3 Responses
  • Crouwel0

    happens to me at least 3 times a week.... you get used to it
    (Oct 25 06, 03:38)


  • rafalski0

    this Monday I flew back to Ireland and just before the shore, as the plane was flying low above the sea, there were unbelievable, vertical clouds hanging above the water, beautifully lit by the noon sunshine. Never saw anything like that. The plane leaned towards them when taking a turn, and the view filled the whole window.. My jaw dropped. I didn't have my camera with me..
    Then, one hour later I was on the upper deck of a bus, the sea on my right was reflecting in the bus window on the left, overlaying a beautiful sky on the outside, with a palm tree top in the background. Again, the sea was beautifully lit and the result were sparkling tiny waves in the sky, displayed on the bus window. To top it up, an aeroplane swam through it, quite prominent in the picture as it was close to the airport. I felt like telling other people on the bus, but it only was visible from my angle..

  • bolus0

    happens to me at least 3 times a week.... you get used to it

  • jamble

    it's been a while since I've felt gutted I missed a perfect photo. I was reading my book on the bus home last night and the bus stopped at some traffic lights when I looked up to see two building outlined against a stunning orange dusk sky but the bus pulled off from the lights before I could get my camera out.
