what to do

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  • 24 Responses
  • AndyRoss0

    I think you've got it the wrong way around.

    First, you should think about what kind of clients you want to work for. Big consumer goods companies? Auto companies? Technical/software companies? Small local businesses?

    Next, you should think what size agency you want to be at. A big agency which does all sorts of things for huge clients (but maybe has a stifling bureaucracy)? A medium agency which maybe specializes in a specific market or product? Or work by yourself, and wear all or most of the hats?

    Also, before you leave school, talk to alums who are working at all different levels in the field.

  • bcline0

    ya, I interned @ a place last summer and am interning @ one this summer.....both are primarily flash related. but in my spare time i have passion for print and motion. My question is how would I go about working my way into an AD position. Obviously I know a person doesn't just plop into that position right out of college but I mean a couple years down the road. Basically the reason I posted this silly question here is because I wanted to pick your professional brains out and annoy the shit of you. but i do appreciate all the feedback i've been getting.

  • nocomply0

    Like others have mentioned, I've found that the larger the agency/company, the more breakdown of specialization they have.

    I like to do a bit of everything, and get a sense of satisfaction in taking a project from concept to completion all by myself.

    Its rewarding to do this, but its also hard to make something truly amazing because I just don't have enough time to be awesome at everything.

    I currently work in a very small studio where i get to wear a lot of hats. I like it a lot, but I couldn't have gotten here if I didn't have a job that whipped my into shape and schooled me in proper code first.

    don't be afraid to pick something and go for it. you don't have to do it for very long. when you're over it just take that skill and move on.

  • bcline0

    cool, yeah i just don't want to get stuck in a rut and get pigeon holed as just a flash developer or something like that......its encouraging to hear people have been able to move away from what they originally entered the business in if they were so inclined.....