"NEW" music rant!

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  • 23kon

    At the weekend there was a program on about the life and music of Jimi Hendrix. It was a really amazing program with some great interviews with guitarplaying peers of his time.
    The first cd i ever bought was a Jimi Hendrix one.
    He's one of these artists ive always loved but you kind of forget about how astounding his music actually was and this program reminded me of that.

    Pete Townsend was on the program saying that when Jimi appeared on british shores Eric Clapton phoned up pete (who hed never talked to before) and asked him to the cinema! lol. during the film they talked about Jimi's skills - they both were in awe of his skills and at the same time felt threatened by his skills.

    Watching Jimi play on that program was amazing and beautiful. Someone absolutely at one with the instrument they were playing. It's like it was part of him. It got me thinking that ive NEVER EVER seen something quite like it. Yeah sure there are some great guitar players, but nothing quite like that.

    The music he was making was groundbreaking in the sense that he was taking something old (blues riffs) and creating something new and something that was very expressive.

    It got me thinking about "new music", like groundbreaking stuff, something that is TRULY new.
    The first time you see/hear jimi hendrix, its something completely new - like the first time you hear James Brown, Motown, The Beatles, Rap Music (not the usual trash but something that was NEW in its time - Sugarhill Gang/Grandmaster Flash or original gangster rap like NWA or political rap like Public Enemy), Thrash music like Suicidal Tendencies or intricate guitar work from the likes of Heavy Metal bands like MegaDeath, Acid House or original Rave music, Drum and Bass from Goldie. The first time you hear DJ Shadows album "endtroducing" - then find out that he hadnt played a single note on that album - its all sampled from other artists music but like each of his songs is put together from samples from numerous other artists songs - and its music you'll have never have heard of before - really rare stuff. New Order, The Happy Mondays and the Stone Roses all have the quality of something that was like BAAAAAAM! - F*CKING TAKE THAT!
    in fact, yeah - even Take That or NKOTB. They were the first major boybands - a phenomenan in themselves. Prefect pop like Madonnas early stuff - Borderline and Like a Virgin and Cathy Dennis. Amazing stuff! Now youve got the likes of Kylie and Britney - some amazing pop, but its not theirs - its written for them.

    Where am i going with this you might ask? lol.
    well it was the depressing thought that in the last say 15 years there has been NO REAL musical breakthroughs, no new styles.
    Everything has been done before it seems, lots of indie bands, dance music has got sh*te beyond belief - people looping phil collins songs and it makes number f*cking one!
    bands like Kasabian are just doing what jesus jones/emf/neds atomic dustbin/newFADS/carter USM did in the early 90s with indie , music and sampling technologies. All the Dirty Pretty things / Libertines etc has been done before. The most annoying band of recent years has been the chili peppers - f*** - ive been a fan of the chilipeppers since i was at high school when their "mothers milk" album was out. Each of their albums has been completely different from the previous, mothers milk was very punky, the ones before that took a heavy influence from George Clintons P-Funk, blood sugar sex magic was a great album - but grrr, their recent few albums have all been the same! theyve fallen into some formula that they know sells albums to the kids and sells out gigs. They are still amazing, but , hrm its a bit dissapointing :(
    The Jamie T album seemed decent when it came out - obvious sounds of The Clash in there though and it was an album that I tired of quite quickly.
    Dont get me wrong, i do like a lot of these bands ive mentioned, are they just the best of a bland bunch though.

    Recently i've got into the music Aphex Twin, hes someone ive known about for years but never really had the opportunity to listen to his stuff - i dunno why. but yeah ive recently discovered his stuff - its too unique for words, each album is different and its so experimental.
    Ive been having a bit of musicians-block with my own music and thats been a great help, hearing something completely new.
    Id been getting stuck in a rut with my own tunes, seeming to fall into the same formula and using the same instruments/sounds.
    So thank you mister Aphex Twin for that lil kick up the ass.
    Another band id recently discovered was The Teardrop Explodes. I was listening to a recording of an interview from radio2 from years ago with Bill Drummond (from the KLF) he was the teardrops manager back in the day. The Teardrops stuff is amazing "indie" stuff but with a bit of early 'pop' injected into it - the synthesised trumpets etc. lovely stuff! "haha im drowning in your love" - what a song!

    I cant believe you've read through this rant lol.

    Got any suggestions of NEW music for me then?
    something thats going to knock me over, something thats going to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end like the moment The Who came out on stage at the SECC and Pete Townsend windmilled his first chord?
    Something thats going to blow me away more than seeing sigur ros playing the queens hall (old ballroom) about 6 years ago in edinburgh and me feeling like i was in a dream? or seeing/hearing the madness of the flaming lips playing tracks from "yoshimi ..." at the same venue having never ever heard any of their stuff before?

    fire me some links.

  • spendogg0

    i dont want to read all that

  • gramme0

    ne meither

    Lookit, you've gone and made me dislexic.

  • jaylarson0

    newish: ween. ween's guitar playing is up there with jimi.

    i also recommend checking stuff out from the anticon label: http://www.anticon.com. especially odd Nosdam.

  • mg330

    In a rather roundabout way you just completely insluted Cher.

    If my mother saw you do that, she'd kill you.

  • mikotondria20

    yeh, I understand what you mean, I havent heard much that I would 'original' in a longg time.. To my biased mind, when techno came along, and managed to fuse elements of every existing music style into it (except country...), then the history of music ended..
    Also, with the collapse of the mainstream, to signal to noise ratio of whats out there means that much original music (if it still exists), is, thanks to the net, even harder to find..
    Aphex twin is always worth listening to for some inspiration :)..

  • flavorful0

    Do it yourself doggie.

  • morilla0

    there is tons out there. just gotta find it.

  • ninjasavant0

    discover jazz.

  • mikotondria20
  • Mimio0

    What about Noise?

    - Merzbow
    - CCCC
    - Hijokaidan
    - Fushitsusha

    Or Super-Rock or Noise-Rock?
    - Massonna
    - Boredoms

    There's the whole Avant Garde scene from the 80s and 90s
    - Peter Brotzman
    - John Zorn
    - Charles Gayle
    - Bill Laswell

  • Ampersanderson0

    There's a whole Christian music scene waiting to be liked...


  • Mimio0

    Hector Zazou

  • 23kon0

    got any links then morilla?

    i dont mind a bit of jazz, as long as it doesnt get too "w*nky".

    i shall check out some of the suggestions made. sorry yous had to read that big rant but i had to get it off my chest lol.

    maybe it IS christian rock that i am missing, maybe that is the thing to fill that void haha ;)

  • horton0

    '95... saw AFX play a live set in his pjamas, with all his gear spread out on a pile of blankets on club floor.

    i think that was a close to a hendrix experience as i'll get.

  • Jaline0

    It's a lot of work to keep up with music (at least I find it is). It takes effort to discover and learn about new things, but it's usually worth it.

    I'm not sure if I agree completely with what you're saying, but a lot of it makes sense. Maybe this is the time for remakes and visiting older things and turning them into newer music or paving the way to even newer music by starting something with the older music.

    There is always something new out there. It just has yet to be discovered. I like checking out newer bands but I find that I have to have a place to start...some of their best music perhaps (although subjective).

    I think what you're talking about will pass.

  • horton0

    check out Deerhunter, easily the most inspired music i've heard in a long time.

    Cryptograms will be my fav album 2007.

  • oldelpaso0

    but what kinda shit u looking for?

    in the metal scene its gone from

    trash metal ('tallica, slayer)
    nu metal (mudvayne, papa roach)
    emo (wank)
    screamo (greely estates etc)
    ravecore (klaxons, MW&C)

    its too brief to list ALL the pigeon holes from the past 5 years in metal alone..

    jazz is cool when its progressive stuff. cause its totally off its tits and everything is different.. "the standards" get a bit old after a while

    if u like rock give a listen to Apartment 26 (its got John Bonhams son) its ok, its basically what these new rock/ravers are doing now (but 4 years old)

    (needs gd speakers!)

    squareusher is fucking awesome.. he just makes these samples on his laptops and makes a background track.. and when he plays live.. he just hit play.. leaves his laptop and plays the electric bass over his beats

    gd shit :)

  • Rand0

    I don't care that much about virtuosity for its own sake... some of my favorite music features amateurish playing and singing

  • flavorful0

    Uh ... last time I checked Young Jeezy is still making music.

    And I Luv It.

    ... hahah.

  • T-Dawg0

    I share a similar view, I usually dig in the past for good music. There hasn't been much that's caught my ear as of late, I'm pretty picky when it comes to music. I don't like"indie" music at all, nor am I a rap fan, so I'm prettymuch squeezed out of the mainstream stuff.

    I'm a pretty big chilli peppers fan as well, saw em twice in concert and got a tattoo when i was 17 cause of em.

    My most recent indulgences have been Supertramp, Rush, and I just downloaded a Morcheeba album to check them out, caught one of their songs somewhere and I was like "this is pretty good, who is this?"

    When all else fails, go back to old school michael jackson. That stuff is awesome.