Freelance book-keeping

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  • Mojo

    Hey guys, long time no login. Glad to see the usual people are still around.

    I have a question regarding book-keeping - I hope someone could offer their advice.

    Basically, I've been freelance for like a year - and it's been hard, and it's been fun. Financial stuff has always been a turn-off for me, especially accounts.

    I realised that in order to take control of my life, I also have to take control of my finances - currently my records are paper-based and messy. My Tax return (uk) is sitting here, I haven't looked at it yet. got till September.

    Book-keeping software. I've installed sage and already slightly overwhelmed.

    I realise I need to work out my chart of accounts. Business is all new to me.

    Can anyone offer advice/samples of the chart of accounts for a web designer/graphic designer/studio?

    I'm not quite sure where to start.

    You were probably where I am once.

    Thanks guys (and girls)

  • orkman0

    Get a really good CPA to help identify tax write-offs. And then, typically a good CPA will have an assistant that will do the bookeeping for you for a low cost each month. You just need to send your invoice copies, receipts of purchases etc. and they can keep track of it for you. But I would strongly recommended reviewing what they do.

    So I dunno, hire someone else to take care of it for you...but review what they do.

  • e-pill0