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  • 15 Responses
  • Drno

    I'm glad to see that the Punisher is back :)

  • 4cY0

    nice. i just had typed out a very very lengthy post. and after pressing broadcast it was gone.

  • 4cY0

    ah, the back button does miracles. here it is (warning: do not stress, it's merely an optimistic view on the situation in the world):

    what i also miss is any rational analysis on a subject like this. McNamara once said that pure rationale could kill us all (in relation to the Cuban crisis, which brought us extremely close to total nuclear destruction), yet, the responses loaded with pure emotions drive us into a malformed image of reality as well.

    Let's not forget that the US is the most powerful nation in the world, and will be so for a while (but perhaps not too long anymore?), yet, they always get the blame when acting, or moreso, reacting. But still, if anything terrible occurs in the world, the people in the western world, knock on America's door crying for help. See Serbia/Kosovo conflict, for instance. Europe is still to entangled in it's own difficult process of unification to even think of building a strong military might.

    9/11 could have happened anywhere, yet, America had to be the place. Not just because it is the richest nation, not because of simply the free spirited way of life, but because (imho) of its sheer military might. There are countries, like mine for instance, that are in some ways even more "liberated" from religious influence, and therefore much more sinful and free spirited. Yet, America had to draw *that* terrible straw.

    The question remains, what if the US wasn't the biggest superpower? What if Russia was? Or China? Or Iran? Would thing s turn out the same after such a tragedy?

    This is not a plea for forgiveness towards US policy. Au contraire..

    I am just pointing out that l'histoire se repete, most, if not all superpowers in human history have their own tragedies, used as a reference and often an unlimited excuse for their foreign policies.

    Sure, Bush is one of the worst presidents ever, if he'd live in the time of Nixon, or before it, he'd never get away with all the lies and cover-ups, let alone win a second round into Office.

    On the other hand, we've had a lot of situations things could have turned out far worse. The case with Bush is, he's stupid and slightly powerdizzy. He may have abused the institution of democracy a little (yes, understatement), but at least it's still alive and far from being dead or suffering fatal disease. There is a cure, and it's called elections.

    And I have a feeling things can only get better the next time round, be it a democratic or a republican, i don't think the next president can ever allow himself to sink as deep as Bush did.

    And even now, with Bush in office, life must be better for many than ina lot of other countries, like North-Korea, Zimbabwe, Turkmenistan or even Russia for that matter.

    Fox News ain't shit compared to the Russian controlled media.

    So, please, always look at the bright side of life. With a healthy dose of rationale.


  • sureshot0

    goddamn janne thats a shitload of text right there mang.

  • 4cY0


  • sureshot0

    theres no need to be sorry my friend.

    express yo self.

  • 4cY0

  • sureshot0

    word up!

  • Drno0

    6 years later and too many dead people on the ground

    and we're still not sure who committed those acts

    could have happened somewhere else i give you that, but do you really think, the "lucky" country would have buried the simpaty we all had for the victims under more corpses

    until we know who were the real heads behind the curtain, i'll still disagree about the sacking of the world they (the US government) are doing.

    too many people have died and suffered for something we all know is a false flag,

  • Llyod0

  • Drno0

    Llyod do you have emo_tional issues?

  • 4cY0

    yes and no, Drno.

    For instance, Iraq was a mistake, yet, in another context, within different circumstances, Iraq would be a fairly obvious target for a superpower to impose it's own values on, even though those values are projected and vulnerable. Iraq, be it silently, was a mess. It was one of the most corrupt countries in the world, it had the most corrupt leader and the practices and punishments on its own people are still relatively underexposed in the press.
    Again, somebody had to do the job. We could say, leave it, but where would Iraq go?

    Well, at least now we know where it went to WITH intervention, total chaos and destruction.

    Yet, I think it is not the fact that Iraq was subject of international intervention that was the cause of this all, but rather the way it was carried out, and mostly, the lack of planning and the sheer absence of cultural and religious mapping..

    There were a lot more possibilities to target Saddam and his hitmen.

    Yet, 9/11 marked the era of the great excuses, an excuse to propel civil rights back into history, an excuse for serious warfare, an excuse for shady operations that go without responsibilities or accountability, etc. etc.

    Mix this up with the Iraqi war and you get an extremely confusing situation. What caused what?

    Anyway.. my point is, i have learned to not simply state my opinion to loudly on this matter, since there are a lot of sides and motivations for the current state of affairs.

    it's important to vent critique though. very important.

    i have a hard time doing so lately though as reality is so much more kaleidoscopic than we imagine from our comfy lazy chairs..

  • Drno0

    I couldn't agree more with you 5cy (when are you getting flagged again)

    coming from a country that just signed a peace process after 5 years of war, i feel what the iraqis are feeling even though it will never be the same

    reality for me is more than upclose having lost familly members and friends due to the lack of medicine, assistance and security

    yeah i can blame the government but the real people who are to blame, are those that start wars only to make money, those that won't let other be because they think they understand it better than the natives.

    my rule would be.

    any leader that declares war will have to send a familly member to fight in it. that will change their point of view

  • 4cY0

    that's interesting. and surely something to consider. it would definitly force their reasoning into a slightly more emotional atmosphere, rather than plain cold rationale.

  • rafalski0

    Iraq, 4cy? Not even for a second I believed the mess there was not planned. It was an operation carried out with 100% precision.
    The goals are achieved, one of them being transfering huge billions of taxpayers money to military suppliers' accounts. The war must go on in order for the cash to keep flowing.
    You are right saying Saddam was a terrible oppressor, but I doubt it ever interested anyone who pulled the strings in this war.

  • rafalski0

    OMG, I got into a political thread again.. good night fellas