Pic of the Day
Pic of the Day
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- 130,585 Responses
- dasmeteor0
- Jersey Shore Barbie?ETM
- LOLProjectile
- hahahaha********
- Bad Listener Barbie? Chris Brown Girlfriend Barbie?Mellimelvin
- face transplant Barbie?BattleAxe
- megE0
- welcome to 3 years agoquack
- i've pitched this a thousand times for posters, studios generally don't bitescarabin
- If they did it'd be highly unprofessional.********
- how is it unprofessional?scarabin
- loved that movie.. neat cover conceptnicole_marie
- elektro0
- whaaaaatismith
- costs £30,000 for two people to enter the competition in one carquack
- roughly 5.5 mil USquack
- they could paid £15,000 to do the European leg only or American leg onlyelektro
- ffs why not just tell them they have to follow an escort car?Projectile
- cars are so hot.zenmasterfoo
- Fuck the German police.********
- the whole point of the autobahn is to drive stupidly fast.. i would have thoughtautoflavour
- georgesIII0
- the photograph suggests he made in as a secret operation in his basementRavdyk
- quack0
- sacrilege!ArsenicPants
- i have one like this and it is amazing. you keep blowing in and smacking your cartridges, i'll play minescarabin
- interracial?BattleAxe
- BannedKappa0
- +1BuddhaHat
- i need to get to vancouver from DC...oh let me ride my bike! great idea yaay....zenmasterfoo
- yeah, because going from Vancouver to DC is part of your daily routine and life... fucking moron.********
- what – iCanHasQBN said.lukelbrown
- 3030
found here: http://xyphid.deviantart.com/art…
- Good God. Please tell me what that horrible font is, so I never ever use it.Amicus
- concept is spot on.Amicus
- most designers are tools though, particularly the ones on deviantartscarabin
- thanksdopepope
- yeah but the font is terrinble********
- pull your head at of your arse. what a fuckwit. a designer is a business tool.mydo
- waki0