Pic of the Day
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- 130,585 Responses
- mydo0
- georgesIII0
- is it african********
- it is a Sheela Na Gig
http://www.sheelanag…georgesIII - Spread Eagledasmeteor
- is it african
- ********0
- georgesIII0
- Get out of the past brother. Move on.********
- that's surprisingly good advising coming from you McWoozyAmicus
- advice even.Amicus
- no offense to both of you,
but Fuck this advice,
I move on the day people will stop dying in Irak, fuck this shitgeorgesIII - I can't believe you prefer to live in a world of lie where it is better to forget than actually see the past to fix the futuregeorgesIII
- I've missed this in the news. What about chlorine and phenol? Iraq can't have what the rest of the world does?Peter
- Get out of the past brother. Move on.
- SchOzzZ0
- yummydasmeteor
- i wonder what flavor the oil is...refunktion
- lol********
- ********0
You guys should really get away from blaming this BP crap.
I know we all hate Big Oil but come on, start using common sense.
The Media has lied to you before so why wouldn't they lie to you again?
If you look at this pic. Check out the helipad on the right..Look at the gaping hole. This was no accident people. This was an act of war or a false flag terrorist attack.
How do you know when someone is guilty? They hide like Obama.
Here is what Chris Mathews said. The same guy who bragged about Obama giving him a thrill up his leg.
Chris Mathews, Jay Leno show.
"The president scares me. He's been acting a little bit like, you know, Vatican observer here. When is he gonna actually do something? And I worry. I know he doesn't want to take ownership of it. I know the politics, 'cause the minute he says 'I'm in charge' then he's blamed. But somebody's gonna have to take charge. This is in our interest. It's not the oil company's interest. They're gonna make a lot of money."
Here is the transcript.
http://freedomeden.blogspot.com/…- some terrorist attack... kill the birds, fish and sea turtlesmegE
- plausibility check: faildirgdss
- For 'theories' I always first turn to my main tinfoil, Benjamin:
http://benjaminfulfo…Peter - FredMcNutJob, do you believe everything that was in "Loose Change" too?fooler2
- chris matthews is a smart fellowdoesnotexist
- http://www.qbn.com/t…plash
- 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB!!!!!Projectile
- < haha disqualified from real lifespifflink
- dbloc0
- simple + effectivedbloc
- so sick of seeing this photo.********
- I must have missed this before. so i'm glad for the re-post.... (thanks)lukelbrown
- nice one********
- Nice idea********